“Odd,” Rhain murmured, and that was all he said.

I couldn’t even think about the fact that I hadn’t actually lost control. That the rage I’d felt had somehow calmed me. There was no space for that, either. I was reeling from what Nyktos had done to keep me safe—what he’d put himself through before I even knew him.

Bile gathered in my throat, threatening to choke me as Saion and Rhahar turned from the doors. They were speaking, but they fell silent and stared, and it went on long enough to draw me from my thoughts.

Bele fluttered her hand in front of her face. “She’s so pretty, isn’t she?”

I shot her an arch glare.

“We already knew that,” Saion said, his brows raised. “But the gown…”

“Looks like starlight,” Rhahar finished.

Feeling my cheeks warm, I murmured, “Thank you.”

Saion grinned as he reached for the heavy stone doors, pushing them open. I walked out, descending a short set of steps into the courtyard. The first thing I saw was Orphine and her twin Ehthawn. The two massive, midnight-scaled draken were perched on the Rise, and in the distance, I could see the faint shape of more draken circling over the Dying Woods. The turning of wheels drew my gaze.

A horse-drawn carriage rolled forward amidst a small army of mounted guards. There were nearly…a hundred. I blinked, focusing on the artwork scrawled across the side of the carriage. The vines. The white wolf. It was the same as the doors to the throne room.

One side of the carriage doors swung open, and Ector popped his head out. His eyes widened slightly, and then hisexpression smoothed out. He extended his hand. “Ready?”

Forcing a swallow, I nodded as Saion straight-up leapt into the driver’s box. I started forward but halted as the other gods mounted horses. Only Bele lingered back by the doors. “Wait,” I called out, my concern rising. Saion looked over his shoulder. “If all of you are here, who is with…Nyktos?”

“Nektas,” Rhahar said as he tightened his grip on the reins. He faced forward again. “And I do believe the entirety of the Shadowland armies.”


“Sera?” Ector wiggled his fingers.

Taking a deep breath, I lifted the hem of the gown as I took his warm hand in mine and stepped into the dimly lit carriage. There were two benches, outfitted with thick, white cushions. I sat carefully on one.

“I’ll be out here for most of the trip,” Ector advised.

“Be careful,” I murmured.

Ector hesitated and then shook his head. I watched him climb out of the carriage to stand on one of the rails along the side. Rhain drew his horse near Ector, and then the door closed. I heard a tap on the roof. The windowless carriage jerked forward.

Do you love him?

My palms felt damp, so I placed them on the cushion beside me as I tracked the vines and poplar leaves etched along the interior walls and ceiling. The carriage was traveling at a fast clip, and I had no idea how much time passed before the reality of what Nyktos had sacrificed for me, what I felt for him, and why I had reacted so strongly to seeing him with Veses and then learning the truth, hit me.

Do you love him?

“Oh, gods,” I whispered, sinking into the bench’s cushion as I pressed a hand to the tiny diamonds adorning the bodice of my gown. I could feel my heart beating wildly, even through the layers of gossamer fabric. My chest felt warm and like it was swelling, and it wasn’t the embers.

There was only one reason I’d react in such a way. I stared down at the hand pressed to my chest—to the space above my heart.

My heart.

I…I loved him.

I loved Nyktos?

Another tremor ran through my hands as I lifted my gaze to the empty bench across from me. I swallowed thickly. I had no idea what love even felt like, so I needed to remain calm. This could just be a byproduct of stress—of everything. Maybe only indigestion.

A strangled laugh left me, echoing through the empty carriage.Indigestion? Sure.

The carriage door opened, letting in a rush of air that carried the stale scent of lilacs as Ector closed the door. He slid onto the bench across from me. “We’re almost to the entry house of Lethe. It feeds into the City Hall, where Nyktos is waiting for us.”