Oh, gods.

“Maybe Veses wanted to take you out because she figured out what you had in you and how that could blow back on Nyktos. But she also knew that the leverage she had over him was coming to an end,” he said, and I heard what Nyktos had said the night before—that she no longer has control. “No one can tell me that doesn’t have something to do with her coming at you. Because once you become his Consort, you will no longer be a secret to protect.”

“He could’ve stopped—” I couldn’t bring myself to say it. “Others found out about me weeks ago. He didn’t know that she could still feel me nearing my Ascension…” I trailed off, falling silent.

Because the embers didn’t matter.

Nyktos hadn’t been protecting them. Not a week ago. Not months ago. Or even years ago.

He had been protectingme.

“None of us understood why he tolerated her presence when it was clear that he couldn’t stand her.” Dragging a hand through his hair, he clasped the back of his neck, and my chest felt too tight. “But he didn’t tell us, you know? Only Ector and I found out because, after one of her visits, he was in bad shape. She had…”

It took no amount of imagination to fill in what hewouldn’t say. If Nyktos were in bad shape, it could’ve been because Veses had taken too much blood.

“His cold skin,” I rasped. “He told me it was because he was Death.”

“But he’s not the true Primal of Death,” Rhain said. “His flesh shouldn’t feel that way.”

“It does because—” I sucked in a ragged breath. “It does because of herfeedingfrom him.”

Rhain didn’t answer. He didn’t need to because I knew. I’d been right about my suspicions.

Then my skin warmed, the embers in my chest vibrating as red-hot fury flooded my system, invading every cell of my body. A tremor hit me—

“Holy shit,” Rhain whispered, light flickering over his face and the walls as he stared at the shuddering chandelier. “That’s…that’s you. You’re doing that.” He snapped forward, crossing the distance between us. He clasped my cheeks, forcing my eyes to his. “You need to calm. Because I cannot stop you like Nyktos could without knocking your ass out in a far more painful way. That’s not really an option because Nyktos would get really pissed at me for hurting you. But I also don’t want to know what it feels like to have a palace come down on my head.”

The embers hummed powerfully, but the rage…it was like what I’d felt when I stared at Kolis—when I’d feltherinside me. But this was allme. My fury was so great, so terrible that it calmedme. Not the embers.Me. The embers still hummed, but I willed the chandelier to still.

And it did.

I inhaled sharply. “I’m going to kill her.”

Rhain’s eyes widened in alarm. “You can’t kill a Primal, Sera.”

“Watch me try,” I promised.

Chapter 40

Rhain darted in front of me, blocking the doors I was stalking toward. “You cannot do what you’re thinking.”

My eyes narrowed on the god. “I can’t?”

“Besides the fact that she’s a Primal, and you cannot actually kill her?” he said. “You have a coronation to get to.”

“I can try.” I sidestepped him. “And still accomplish both. It’s called multitasking.”

Rhain let out a low growl and continued to block my progress. “I know you’re angry—angrier than I thought you would be. But I cannot let you do this. Veses will be dealt with.”

“How?” I demanded. “Exactly how will she be dealt with?”

Eather pulsed brightly in his eyes. “Do you really think Nyktos will let what she did to you and Reaver slide? He won’t. That bitch’s days are numbered. She’s not long for this realm. The moment Nyktos has those embers in him and Ascends, that’s it for her.”

It took a moment for what Rhain said to penetrate the haze of rage. My gaze flew to the door over his shoulder, where Bele waited in the hall. When I brought Bele back to life, I’d Ascended her and, therefore, threatened Hanan’s position as Primal of his Court. Once the embers were transferred, Nyktoswould be able to Ascend another to replace a fallen Primal—namely that bitch.

I stared at the door, hands opening and closing at my sides. I prayed that Rhain was right. That her days truly were numbered, but I wanted nothing more than to rip her fangs from her horrid mouth and shove them down her throat.

Rhain stepped toward me. “Nyktos is waiting for you, Your Highness.”