And what was the alternative, picking one of them andonlyone of them for the rest of my life when I wanted to be withallof them?

Jackson said it perfectly—why did it have to be two people in a relationship? Who made the rules?

“I like the sound of that too,” I said. “Do you think we can actually do this?”

The three of them hugged me, surrounding me with their warmth.

“I know we can,” Jackson said.

“We’re going to be dads,” Aiden chuckled, making the rest of us laugh.

“We are! I always wanted to be a dad,” Nathan said.

The boys talked excitedly about the baby.

“Maybe there will be triplets,” Jackson said with a boyish grin.

“Oh God, no, I don’t think I could handle that.” I laughed.

“And what about your career?” Nathan asked, reminding me that even though I was about to be a mother, I was more than just a mother and partner. The guys cared about what I wanted as well.

“I had decided even before the pregnancy that I was not happy in academia. I think Kat is right… I might look into getting my teacher certification. I wanted to study literature because of my love of reading as a child and I think fostering that in other kids could be my calling in life. I think I just got lost, so focused on what would sound impressive, you know?”

“You are impressive regardless of what you do, I hope you know that.” Jackson said.

My cheeks flushed. “Thank you, I appreciate that.”

“I only speak the truth,” Jackson said. “And I know I speak for all of us when I say it’s one of the many things we love about you.”


Did they love me?

I stared back at them and saw it in their eyes.

“I love you too, all of you,” I said.

* * *

After celebrating with the boys,I told them I needed to find Kat. I slipped away and searched the house for her, but I didn’t have to search too long. She was in her favorite place, the place she always escaped to even as a child.

No surprise, it was the pool in the backyard. It was heated, but she wasn’t in it, just her feet dangling in the water with her back to the house as I stepped out into the garden. I took my shoes off and sat down beside her, dipping my feet into the warm water, as well.

Kat didn’t say anything, though she glanced in my direction with a small smile.

“I’m sorry, Kat. I didn’t intend for any of this to happen.”

“I know you didn’t,” she said. She took my hand in hers, giving it a squeeze. “Are they okay? The guys, I mean? They aren’t at each other’s throats?”

“No, they’re happy, actually. We have come to an agreement, one where I don’t have to choose.”

“As in… you’re going to be together, as a foursome, for good?”

I shot her a look. “How did you know?”

She shrugged. “Just a guess. I see the way you four are together, and honestly, I see the way they look at you and the way you look at them. It’s real, Harper. And as long as everyone is happy, I’m happy.”

“Thank you, Kat.”