Before I could find the words to tell them I was pregnant, Rose Bishop was at my side. “I’m so sorry, Harper. Like Kat said, I never imagined that you blamed yourself all these years,” she said. “There’s no way you would have had access to all his financials to release that information.”

“I guess I just believed it was all my fault. I just felt so bad, for what happened to your family.”

“Don’t feel bad. I always appreciated you so much for what you did, Harper. By seeing the proof, I was able to break free from that marriage and save my family. We might have struggled after the divorce, but as you can see, we are building our family back into something stronger than it ever was before. Do you think we’d be here hugging and talking about our feelings if he was still in our lives?”

“No, I guess not,” I replied.

“We are stronger without Dad,” Jackson said. “It took me a while to realize it, but it’s the truth. We still have some healing to do, but I have a feeling that we are going to be even stronger than before, and my brothers and I are going to be better men without his influence in our lives.”

I hugged Jackson again, the tears in my eyes no longer from sorrow or sadness, but from the joy of seeing everyone coming together.

“So what else did you want to tell us?” Jackson asked.

My heart dropped.

I feared that what I was about to say could cause more problems for this family, but they deserved to know. The guys deserved to know that I was pregnant and one of them was the father.

My eyes moved over everyone in the room. Kat and Rose were there too, did I really want them to know? But they stared at me with curious eyes.

“I, well, um, as everyone knows, I got a bit closer to the guys on our trip in France. Maybe a bit closer than I should have, I don’t know…”

I couldn’t look Rose Bishop in the eyes. I had not meant to include her in this initial conversation.

“We regret nothing,” Aiden said, giving me a wink and a playful smile.

I swallowed the lump in my throat and finally blurted out, “I’m pregnant.”

I watched the faces of those around me. Jackson’s jaw dropped. Aiden’s grin wavered a bit. Nate just stared at me as if he hadn’t heard me correctly. And Kat… her face twisted into a look of confusion and then shock.

Rose was the only one smiling at me. She looked so happy, so pleased with my announcement. “Wow, congratulations, Harper. Or should I say that I hope congratulations are in order? I know that you ended things with Tony, please tell me he is not the father?”

“No, he’s not, thankfully,” I said.

“Well then, may I ask, who is the lucky man?”

I looked at the brothers who all seemed to be slowly realizing that this wasn’t a joke. Somehow, one of us was going to have to explain to their mom that it could be any one of them.

Kat was the one who spoke up first. “Sooo… it could be any one of them?”

“Yes,” I said, feeling a weight on my chest. I couldn’t look my best friend in the eye.

“Jesus,” she said.

I squeezed my eyes shut.

Rose spoke next. “I don’t understand? Any one of who?”

Thankfully, it was Nathan who piped up.

“Mom, well, it could be any ofus. Aiden, Jackson, or me.”

I opened my eyes long enough to see Rose Bishop’s face. Her eyes widened as she realized what they meant, and she was quiet for a long time. My heart raced, just wanting her to saysomething, even if it was to shame me.

“And you boys, you knew? You’re all okay with that?”

“We knew, and we are okay with it,” Jackson said.

“Oh, alright then,” Rose said, letting out a nervous laugh. She shook her head and continued laughing. “Relationships today aren’t what they used to be, that’s for sure. I don’t understand the youth of today, but I guess I don’t really have to. So does this mean I’m going to be a grandma?”