“What are we going to do now?”

Mom and Kat had followed after Jackson, and I could hear them pleading with him not to drink, but to no avail.

No one could get through to him.

Well there was one person but she was in New York, and she hadn’t returned our calls in a long time.



Istared down at my phone. Several missed calls from the guys. Voicemails too. It ached me to hear their voices, I wanted nothing more than to run back into their arms every time we talked. But I had made a promise to Kat. Besides, there was no way I could choose just one of them, and that is what I would have to do in order for things to go long-term.

So I hadn’t been listening to my voicemails from them, even though I wanted to.

I missed them.

I missed them so much.

My stomach twisted and turned. I hadn’t felt well in over a week, and there was something else on my mind that I had to take care of. I stared down at the boxed pregnancy test I had picked up during my lunch break. I knew what I had to do, but I couldn’t bring myself to actually do it. My period was very late, and honestly, in my heart, I knew. I hadn’t been too careful. I had missed some of my birth control pills with all the traveling, and I had just started taking them shortly before the trip so they likely hadn’t even taken effect yet. I had been stupid. Careless.

I picked up the test and slipped from my cubicle, making sure to cover it with my sleeve as I made my way to the bathroom. I could have waited, but then I might have lost the nerve. I took the test there at the university, in a small bathroom, setting a timer on my phone. I paced the tiny space, nibbling my nails. I had already googled “DNA test identical siblings” and knew that if it came back positive, we’d have a big problem.

There might not be any way to determine who the father was between them.

It could be any of them.

And then, well, the choice would be up to me, and I promised Kat that I wouldn’t choose.

Calm down, Harper. Just wait for the results.

But I knew in my heart that it was positive before I even saw the pink lines. When my timer went off, I looked down and read the results.


My heart sank, but there was also something else there. An excitement. I had always wanted kids. But not like this.

Not at the expense of the Bishop family.

Shit, what was I going to do?

I had to figure something out.

I knew it might mean leaving New York behind. Everything I had worked toward, gone. Not that it bothered me as much as I expected. The idea of leaving the university behind was one I had thought about since Kat mentioned it in France. I wasn’t happy there. It was stuffy, people were talking about my non-wedding to Tony, and none of them knew what really happened. Now this? A pregnancy? It would only get them talking even more.

Before I could fully process all of my emotions, there was a knock at the door.

A familiar voice called out to me. “Harper? Are you okay in there?”

“Yes, Tony,” I said through clenched teeth.

“Are you sure? You’ve been in there a while?”

“I’m fine,” I snapped, tossing the pregnancy test back in the packaging and tucking it into my sleeve again before flushing the toilet. I washed my hands, taking my time, hoping that Tony wouldn’t be waiting outside for me when I opened the door.

But he was.

I nearly ran into him as I stepped out of the bathroom, as if he had his ear to the door. “Tony, please, give me some space. Jesus.”