“Just wait until you see the hotel,” Aiden said. He had been so proud of himself for booking the suite he did. “It overlooks the Arc de Triomphe, and on New Year’s Eve, there will be fireworks that we can watch from our private rooftop terrace.”

Harper relaxed into the seat between Jackson and I, with Aiden sitting across from us in the back of the limo. She snuggled amongst us, and I placed an arm over her shoulder. She rested her head on my chest for a moment, turning her face upward and staring me in the eyes, and it felt so natural. My heart fluttered in my chest. I wondered if she could hear my heart beating faster by the second as she stared into my eyes.

“I’m so excited. Seriously guys, I loved everything about Chamonix, but Paris has been a dream of mine since I was a little girl, and it’s why I chose the subject of my dissertation. I was really hoping to get the funding to come here, but as you know, that didn’t happen. Now, thanks to you guys, I’m here.”

During the ride to the hotel, Harper stared out the window, and we pointed out landmarks as we passed them.

“You can’t get the best view right now, but over there is Notre Dame. Don’t worry, we’ll take you there so you can get a better view tomorrow.” I pointed out the window.

Harper leaned across me to get a better view, nearly pressing her face against the window in awe.

“I can’t believe I’m here,” she said softly.

Jackson stroked her back and the three of us were all smiles. I loved that we could make her dream come true.

If I had it my way, I would be making many more of her dreams come true in the future. And I knew my brothers would do the same if given the chance.



“Hey Aiden, it’s Dean Rochester. Just wanting to know if the deal was still on the table to find out who leaked the photos of your dad. Please give me a call if you’d still like to trade details.”

I slipped my phone into my pocket.

“Anything important?” Jackson asked.

I had originally wanted to get the name of who leaked the photos of Dad to help Jackson, to help heal our family, but we were currently together in a limo on our way to the hotel. The last day or two had proved to me that Jackson believed us, at last, that the story about Dad was true. I no longer had anything to prove, and I feared that it might just stir up more drama if I told him we could find out who leaked the photos.

Better to let sleeping dogs lie.

“Not at all. They were just calling me about my car’s extended warranty.” I cracked a smile.

Jackson did as well. “They are relentless, aren’t they?”

“Seriously,” I agreed, content with my decision to let things go.

I didn’t need to prove anything to Jackson, and for the first time in a long time, I felt like I belonged with my brothers. My eyes fell on Harper and I smiled even wider.

“I see the Arc de Triomphe!” She was wiggling in her seat, nearly in my brother’s lap to try and see out of the window better. “Oh my God, I’m really here, I’m in Paris.”

My brothers, the way they looked at her… I knew they cared about her too. Yet there was no tension between us.

“We’ll drop the luggage off at the hotel and head out on the town if you’re feeling up for it,” I said.

“I definitely feel up to it,” she immediately replied.

“You're not too tired from your travels?” Nate asked.

“I’m too excited to sleep, besides, I slept on the train.”

The car pulled up to the front of the hotel and the chauffeur came around to open the door for us. We piled out of the car, and Harper nearly jumped over my brothers on the way out. As soon as she was out on the street, she looked toward the Arc de Triomphe, peering down Champs Elysée as the hotel staff rushed over to help with the luggage.

“Just wait until you see the view from the roof,” I said with a knowing grin. I knew she was going to love the room.

I looped arms with Harper and together, we walked into the hotel lobby. The concierge greeted us and led us to the private elevator to the penthouse. Buildings in Paris aren’t that tall, so it didn’t take long for the elevator doors to open directly into our suite. Harper stepped out first with the three of us behind her.

We stepped into the foyer which opened into a living area. Leather couches surrounded a fireplace with floor-to-ceiling windows all around the room, overlooking Champs Elysée. The suite had an open floor plan with a small kitchen and dining area that led into a spacious living room. A bar and wine rack separated the kitchen and dining room from the living area.