
Harper Olson. Damn. Had you told me that geeky ginger-haired girl with freckles and braceswould turn into an absolute bombshell, I’d have called you a fucking liar. I couldn’t even put my finger on what it was about her that drove me absolutely wild the moment my eyes fell on her. Maybe it was her sexy librarian look, the way her curly hair was pulled back into the messy bun, tendrils framing her delicate face, or those stylish yet simple glasses which made her blue eyes appear larger and doe eyed.

She was exactly the distraction I needed right then—watching her leave the room, her curvy hips swaying with every step—made me forget all about the fact that there was an empty chair at the table.

What I wouldn’t give to bend her over a desk and—

“Jackson?” My mom’s voice cut through my fantasy. “You okay, dear?”

“I’m fine,” I said. More than fine, except that all the blood in my body had rushed down south and I was trying to adjust myself without my mom or brothers noticing the tightness in my jeans.

“I know that your dad not being here is difficult for you.”

“It’s fine,” I snapped. I reached for my glass only to realize it was empty. I motioned for Gerard but quickly realized that he had left the dining room already. Everyone had finished their coffee, their places had been cleaned up, and it was just me and my family sitting around, like old times. Except when Dad was around, we might have a game of Monopoly, his favorite, and play late into the night while he humbled us by kicking our asses every single time. None of us liked playing with him, come to think of it, but it was a near nightly requirement during our vacations.

I grabbed the glass from earlier, walking over to the bar for some more whiskey when I noticed all eyes were on me.

“What is it?”

“We’re worried about you, Jackson,” Mom said.

I scoffed. “Maybeyouare, but I guarantee those two are just waiting for me to fall and make an ass of myself.”

I waited for my mom to scold me, but this time she didn’t look upset at my language. She looked worried. Deep frown lines set in on her face, lines that I had thought were erased via Botox long ago.

“Your brothers love you, Jackson. And like me, we’re all a bit worried about how much you’ve been drinking.”

“I’m on vacation, Mom. It’s been a rough year with the bar exam and all that.”

I poured myself a drink and headed for the door, not wanting to discuss my feelings. My dad’s words echoed in my ears, “Feelings are for girls. Feelings are dangerous. They show weakness. That weakness can be used against you.”

I wasn’t about to show my brothers that I was weak. Fuck no.

“Jackson, can I speak to you for a second?” Aiden asked.

I stopped and turned to face him. “Go for it.”

“I mean, alone.”

“Whatever you need to ask me can be said in front of Mom and Nathan.”

Aiden cleared his throat. “Fine. I was hoping you might be able to give me some legal advice.”

I nearly choked on my drink. “You mean about that mess you got yourself in?”

“I didn’t get myself into any mess.”

“Yeah, you did. You tried to fu– I mean, sleep with some senator’s wife, your own client.”

“I didn’t try to sleep with anyone.” Aiden spoke through clenched teeth, his hands balled up on the table. “Not a single word of it is true.”

“Sure, man. Just like it wasn’t true when you slept with Chase’s girlfriend in high school.”

“They were on a break, and I only denied it because Val asked me to. She said it would make her look bad.”

“Nah, you were just trying to save your ass then, and you’re just trying to save your ass now. Pretty typical behavior for you, isn’t it?”