“What do you mean?” Jackson asked.

“What if, I dunno, we continued to share her? Would you be okay with that long term?”

Jackson mulled it over for a moment, but by that time we had pulled up to the train station. I never got his answer, but I knew my own answer would likely be complicated. Yet, I could see myself being okay with it at the same time.

Of course, it was all up to Harper.

Whatever she decided, we would have to respect.



Istood in the foyer of the chateau, alone and staring at the door after Nate and Jackson left. The house felt so empty. I knew their mother was with Charles. Kat was… somewhere. She told me she was going to hang out with Jean-Luc but she hadn’t left yet as far as I could tell. Still, the place was so eerily quiet, and I felt a bit lonely at that moment.

Should I have tried to stop them? Starting with Aiden, of course. I would have loved to have spent more time with all three of them, which surprised me considering our past. A smile spread across my lips as I thought about our time together. My tummy was filled with butterflies as I remembered every second with them.

But they were gone now, and I likely wouldn’t see them again for a while. I would have to go back to New York at some point. They’d go back to their lives. There was no way what we had could last forever, but I would have given anything for a few more days with them.

I heard footsteps behind me and found Kat coming down with a grin splashed across her face.

“Where are my brothers? Weren’t Jackson and Nate here just a few minutes ago?”

I told her what I knew.

She rolled her eyes. “Well, I guess it will be calmer here without their drama at least.”

“So should I expect you back tonight?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

She laughed. “Maybe. Who knows? Jean-Luc’s schedule is so random sometimes.”

The way her eyes lit up when she said his name prompted me to ask, “Sooo… are you falling for him?”

“No, why would you even suggest such a thing?” she chuckled but averted her gaze to not look me in the eye. “It’s just a random hookup.”

“Mmm-hmm, I see the way you smile when you’re heading out to see him.”

“Because the sex is amazing,” she said. “Which, I know you’re saving yourself for true love and all that, but trust me, with me, it’s just about the sex.”

Crap. She still thought I was a virgin. It reminded me that I had to tell her what happened with her brothers eventually. I had waited until after Christmas, that was what Nate suggested and requested, right? I knew I would also have to stay with her until after New Year’s, but I wasn’t sure I could keep my secret from her that long.

“Um, well, about that…”

She shot me a strange look.

I decided to rip off the Band-Aid. It would be better that way.

“I slept with your brothers,” I blurted out. I closed my eyes and tried to steady my breath, preparing for Kat to freak out.

Instead, she asked a simple question.

“Which one?”

I opened my eyes and found her wide-eyed, but not angry. She actually seemed… amused?

“What do you mean which one?” It took me a second to realize she had misheard me. “I slept with your brothers. As in… all three of them.”

Kat burst out laughing, doubling over as she slapped her hands against her thighs. When she stood up, I noticed tears in her eyes from laughing so hard. I didn’t know what to make of her reaction, so I just waited for her to calm down enough to say something.