“Paris, perfect. Hopefully I can catch up to him.”

Harper put a hand on my arm and stopped me.

“He was really hurt, he thought you didn’t care. He told me he’s been trying to find out who was behind the photo leak, to help you. He really cares about you, Jackson, even if you two have your differences.”

“I know, and I care about him too, even though I can be an asshole sometimes.”

I hadn’t told anyone about the conversation with Dad, but I needed to get it out. I couldn’t tell anyone else yet, as it would hurt my brothers as much as it did me. Even Aiden, who liked to pretend he didn’t care that Dad didn’t love him. I could still see it upsetting him that our dad seemed to care more about his step kids than he did us.

But Harper… I knew I could tell her about it.

So, I let it all out.

“I called Dad yesterday to wish him a Merry Christmas, and I realize now Aiden and Nate were right all along. I was just too blind to see it.”

“I’m sorry that happened,” Harper said, stroking my arm. “I know it’s hard to believe, I know you were very close to him.”

“I was, but I realize now that I really meant nothing to him.”

“I’m sure your dad loves you, just in his own way. It doesn’t excuse the way he’s treated you over the years though, and you have every right to be angry.”

“I do, but I took that anger out on the wrong people for years. Now it’s time to make it right.”

“You know that you will see him again in a few days, you don’t have to leave right now.”

“Are you asking me to stay?” I felt a smile pulling at my lips.

Her cheeks flushed. “There’s a big part of me that will be sad if you leave, yes. But I also understand you have to do what you think is right.”

“I need to do this, Harper. I need to get to work on his case and help clear his name. It’s the least I can do after everything I’ve done to him over the years. But I can promise you, this won’t be the last time we see each other.”

I wanted to tell her how I felt, tell her that I saw a future between us, but I knew it would be rushing things. I was crazy to feel the way I did about her, and maybe we both needed to sort out those feelings, but this wasn’t goodbye. It couldn’t be.

“I hope not. Please don’t be a stranger,” she said.

She leaned in, standing on her tiptoes, and even though we were in a hallway where anyone could see, I had to kiss her. I couldn’t resist. I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips to hers.

Tears streamed down her cheeks, and I wanted nothing more than to stay there with her, but I knew that I had to make things right with my brother. Sitting around, drinking myself to oblivion for a few more days, wouldn’t help anyone.

“New York is only a short flight away,” I told her.

I knew we had all agreed that this thing between us would end once the vacation did, but staring into her eyes, I had my doubts. How could we just walk away after all that happened?

How could I walk away from such an amazing woman?



Coming down the stairs, the last thing I expected to see was Jackson standing in the entry with his luggage at his side. Harper was with him.

“Hey, what’s going on?” I asked.

“Aiden left, and I have to go after him to apologize and make things right,” Jackson said, another surprise I wasn’t expecting that early in the morning.

Jackson looked rough—his hair was still messy, he had dark circles under his eyes and a bit of a green tint to his skin. Likely hungover, if not drunk again already.

“I’m going with you,” I said.