“Hey, can I talk to you for a moment?” Aiden asked.

Jackson was passed out on the floor. It was just Aiden, Nathan and me. I looked over at Nate, not wanting him to feel left out.

“Go on, it’s fine,” Nathan said.

Jackson wasn’t going to argue, thankfully, so I left the room with Aiden and walked down the hallway to a private office. As soon as the door was closed behind us, Aiden burst out, “I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.”

“Wait, why? I thought we were all staying until New Years?”

Aiden licked his lips and shoved his hands in his pockets, unable to meet my gaze. “I don’t think I’ll be missed, honestly. I promised Mom I’d be here for Christmas, that’s all that’s important.”

“Aiden,” I said as I closed the distance between us. It was clear something was bothering him. He wouldn’t even look at me. “What’s going on?”

“I have to deal with this scandal, and it seems no one cares about that. No one wants to help me. Jackson offered, but he only cares about trying to prove Dad’s innocence when it’s very clear he’s guilty. I have to worry about myself and make sure my life isn’t ruined.”

“I’m sure Jackson cares—”

“He doesn’t even believe the images were real,” Aiden scoffed. “I haven’t told anyone yet, but I might have a lead about who leaked the photos, and once I have that info and can prove they’re real, maybe Jackson will pull his head out of his ass.”

“What do you mean, you might have a lead?” My heart raced and suddenly it was me who couldn’t look Aiden in the eyes.

“I’ve tracked down the reporter who posted the initial photos. He’s willing to talk to me in exchange for some information on my case, some things to incriminate the congressman who’s trying to make me look bad. He’s hungry for that info, so I think we can strike a deal.”

My mouth felt parched, and it was as if a huge weight was suddenly on my chest. I couldn’t breathe. I felt dizzy and sat down in a nearby chair, placing my head in my hands.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, it’s just all the sweets today, I think. I need some real food.”

“I understand. Marie usually puts out charcuterie around this time, before dinner. We can grab something—”

“In a minute, I just need a minute.”

“Take your time…” Aiden knelt down so we were closer to the same level and lifted my face to look me in the eye. “Please don’t think this will be the end of things between us, unless you want it to be, of course. I can easily travel to New York City to see you.”

“I appreciate that, Aiden,” I said softly then quickly went back to the previous subject. “So, about the leaked photos… what if they were leaked, say, on accident?”

Aiden offered me a strange look. “On accident? I don’t see how that’s even possible. No, whoever leaked those photos was doing so to be petty and to break up our family. And while I’m glad the truth eventually came out, whoever did this is not a good person, Harper. Nothing you say can convince me it was in our best interest or an accident or whatever. They had their own selfish motivations, no doubt about it.”

It felt like all the color had left my cheeks.

“Are you sure you’re okay? Let’s get you something to eat.”

“I’m fine,” I snapped without intending to. “Sorry, I’m not upset with you, it’s just – a lot right now.”

“I know, Harper, and I’m sorry. But remember, I’m just a phone call away.”

He stroked my cheek and leaned in for a kiss, but I wasn’t sure I could kiss him knowing that at any time, those photos could be traced back to me somehow. Just thinking about it made me sick to my stomach.

But once I saw the hurt in his eyes, I knew I couldn’t let him leave on that note. I placed his head in my hands and kissed him as if it were the last time I would ever kiss him again. For all I knew, it was. He may never forgive me once the truth came out.

I should have said something then, but I wanted to enjoy the limited time I had with him since he was leaving the next day.

* * *

Aiden ledme from the office and down into the dining room, where there was a spread of meats, cheeses and breads, just as he had mentioned. Kat had come back at some point and was smiling as she munched on the food, never taking her eye off the phone. She seemed to be smitten with Jean-Luc, and I was happy for her.

Rose came in and pretended to yawn, even though we all knew she hadn’t been napping. She had gone to spend some time with Charles and tried to sneak back in, but she wasn’t fooling anybody. None of us said anything about it though, as to avoid upsetting Jackson.