I thrust into her, and her body accepted me easily. My cock slipped inside of her like a hot knife into butter. Feeling myself sheathed inside of her, her warmth wrapped around my cock, was enough to nearly push me to the edge. I took a few deep breaths and just stayed like that; our bodies connected in the most intimate way. I kissed her, my tongue exploring her mouth as her hands kneaded my back. She clenched her pussy around my member, and a shudder ran through my body.

“Jesus…” Everything about the woman drove me absolutely batshit insane.

Before long, our bodies began moving again. I moved in and out of her, her body arching upward to meet each of my thrusts. The steam from the pool made our bodies more slippery than usual, not that Harper needed any more moisture. I moved in and out of her with ease, going deeper with each thrust until every inch of me was buried inside of her. She cried out in pleasure, and I made it my personal goal to make her scream my name over and over again.

“Aiden… Aiden, Oh God,” she whimpered.

I wanted her to scream it.

I wanted to make her body convulse and writhe with so much pleasure that she saw stars.

It didn’t take long. Harper’s breathing grew more desperate, and her face was contorted into a look of pure bliss as she cried out my name over and over again.

Hearing her call my name was all it took to push me over the edge. A tightness in my balls told me I didn’t have long, so I thrust into her deep and she screamed out my name one more time, her nails digging into my back and her pussy spasming around my cock as I filled her with my seed.

Her cries turned to soft whimpers as our bodies slowly came down from climaxing. I cupped her cheek in my hand and kissed her beautiful face.

I knew it was too soon to have feelings for her, but it wasn’t like we were strangers. I had known her for years. Still, I hadn’t knownthisHarper until recently and it was still too new. At least that’s what I told myself. I had thought I was in love before and it was always fleeting… I pushed any and all thoughts of such silliness away, at least for now. Part of me thought Harper and I would make a perfect couple, but I knew it was too soon for her. She had been engaged only a few days earlier; I needed to give her time. We both needed space to sort out our feelings.

But the words were on the tip of my tongue, and I had to swallow them down before I said something that would make things awkward for both of us.

I slipped my now deflated cock out of her. I picked her up off the floor and carried her over to one of the large loungers overlooking the view.

I curled up beside her, letting her rest her head on my chest as I played with her hair.

“Aiden, I’m sorry.”

Hearing her apologize after some of the best sex of my life took me by surprise. I stared at her and raised an eyebrow. “For what?”

“For complicating everything,” she said softly.

“I told you, I’m okay with sharing you, even with Jackson. I just want you to be happy, and I realize that this might only be a vacation thing,” I said, remembering how she insisted this couldn’t be a forever thing. Even though I would have loved to have given us a chance, I respected that she had goals and dreams she wanted to work toward.

“Thank you, I appreciate that. I believe you… but I just can’t help but worry. It’s like a roller coaster, I can’t decide if I’m cool with this or if I should feel bad since you’re brothers and I just worry that if you knew the real me, you wouldn’t like me nearly as much.”

I lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “The real you? I’ve known you since we were both children, Harper. I think I have a pretty good idea who you are.”

She shrugged and sat up. “I don’t know.”

“I do,” I said.

She was quiet for a moment before offering a sweet smile and a quick kiss. “I think I need some sleep. It’s been a crazy few days.”

“Get some rest, beautiful.”

“Thanks, Aiden. You too. And thank you, for everything, seriously.”

She sounded a bit sad. I feared that maybe what we were doing, the fun we were having, might cause more harm to her than it would to our family. I was worried about her and hoped that one day she might feel comfortable enough to share what was on her mind, because whatever it was, whatever guilt she was shouldering, seemed too big to be carrying it alone.



The smell of cinnamon and sugar seemed to permeate the very walls of the house. I could smell it all the way upstairs in my room, or maybe it was just my imagination. I knew what to expect when I walked downstairs because we had the same breakfast spread ever since I was a child. Even though it was nothing new, I still felt excitement when I stepped into the dining room and found the table filled with goodies.

A tower of cinnamon rolls was at the center, with gooey frosting dripping off of them. I remembered being a teen and how my brothers and I made crude jokes about what it looked like, but we could never resist the deliciousness and would often eat them until we couldn’t move.

It wasn’t just cinnamon rolls, however. There were waffles, or as Marie called themgaufres, with all the toppings you could ever want. Mom preferred the waffles with a little Nutella and some strawberries, which were hard to find this time of year in the French Alps, but Marie never failed to procure some for her.