“Jean-Luc… as in…” The pieces of the puzzle came together. I recognized the dark curls now. I covered my mouth to stifle a laugh.

“Yes, the chef of the restaurant. He slipped me his number before we left,” she said. She nudged the man and finally, he made a noise to signal that he was actually alive. “Good, I thought maybe he had died from alcohol poisoning or something.”

“Just a deep sleeper,” Jean-Luc said in his very thick French accent.

He rolled over and I covered my eyes to avoid seeing more of him than I wanted to see.

“Sorry, I didn’t realize we weren’t alone,” he said.

“Can you cover that thing up, please?” I asked.

“I’ll get you a towel.”

“Where are your clothes?”

“Good question,” Kat said. “I think we started in the living room, since everyone was asleep, before moving into the library because I wanted to show him the extensive collection of cookbooks that are stored there. From there, not really sure and then we ended up here.”

“I’m covered, mostly,” Jean-Luc said.

I uncovered my eyes, but still didn’t look over at the man.

“So how did you two even meet up? I’m so confused.”

“Well, I texted you that I was going out and asked if you wanted to come along, but you didn’t respond, and I figured you were asleep so… I messaged him instead.”

Kat bit her lip and mouthed, “Sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you had fun,” I said. And glad she didn’t realize I hadn’t slept in our room the night before. I got lucky there. Even though I knew I had to tell her eventually, for now, it bought us some time so Christmas with her family wouldn’t be awkward.

A couple more days, I told myself.Just a couple more days.

“I better get going,” Jean-Luc said. “Can I borrow this for now?”

He held up one of the white robes. “Oh sure, they get replaced constantly, you can have it.”

“Are you… just going to leave in that?” I asked.

Jean-Luc walked out of the sauna answering my question.

“Wait! Let me show you the easiest way to get out without being spotted!” Kat called after him. She wrapped a robe around herself and scurried after the man.

And I thought I’d had a wild night. I laughed to myself as I walked back up the stairs to our room. I knew breakfast was served around nine a.m., and I was starving.



Istood off to the side, taking it all in. Christmas music was playing softly from the surround sound, the tree was lit and glowing brightly and the fireplace was ablaze. Marie and the staff had passed around some hot chocolate and cookies. It reminded me of my childhood. Mom was laughing with Aiden and Kat on the couch. Nathan and Harper were deep in conversation, and I was in the corner, alone. I had grabbed some peppermint schnapps from the bar and poured a little into my hot chocolate.

Normally, I’d be sitting with Dad, usually not saying much as he downed his liquor. For some reason, that’s just how we split off. Nathan would move between Mom and Dad, while Aiden was always by Mom’s side, avoiding Dad at all cost.

But now, I was alone and not sure what to do with myself.

I pulled my phone from my pocket and brought up Dad’s number. It was early in the day still for him, but I knew he was an early riser.

I stepped out of the room and went into the study nearby before hitting the call button.

It rang a few times before his voice spoke on the other end of the line.