“About my proposition?” she asked, hope in her voice.

“About everything I have to do once my vacation is over. Ugh, I have so much work waiting for me, Kat, and I don’t want to deal with any of it.”

“So don’t.”

She meant it too. She was actually suggesting I walk away from my PhD. I had worked hard to secure grants and funding, and coming from a poor family, that hadn’t been easy to do. I had to do a lot of schmoozing and working my ass off to get where I was. How could she suggest I just walk away from all of it?

“You don’t understand, Kat. It’s not that easy.”

She’d never had to struggle. She could go to school and then quit and study whatever else she wanted to once she realized her first choice had been a mistake. Something she had done several times before deciding to become a tattoo artist.

I couldn’t do that.

Not to mention, it wouldn’t be right to just leech off of her family. Especially considering what I had done.

“Why not? You’ve been telling me for months that you were burnt out and worried you had made a mistake.”

“But what other choice do I have? What can I do with a degree in freaking literature, besides maybe teach or something?”

“Why not teach?” Nathan piped up from the hot tub.

I looked over at the triplets. I had no idea they had been listening to our conversation, and I wasn’t sure how I felt about that.

“You know I’m not one to agree with those losers, but I actually agree with Nate this time,” Kat said. “Why not teach? You’re enjoying the graduate classes, aren’t you?”

I looked at my best friend and pondered her question.

Kat continued. “You’ve always talked about how thankful you were for teachers helping you discover your love of reading, so why not pass that down to the next generation?”

“You know, Kat has a point,” Jackson spoke from the hot tub.

“See? Even Jackson agrees with me, and we never agree on anything.”

“I can’t… I’ve put so much work into my PhD, I can’t just quit now.”

“You’re a smart girl,” Aiden said. “So I’m sure you’ve heard of the sunk cost fallacy. You sure this isn’t a case of that?”

As much as I hated to admit it to myself, they did have a point.



Harper was floating on her back, not too far away from me. I couldn’t take my eyes off of her. Yes, I had seen her naked only hours before, but something about that bikini and the way it pushed her cleavage up and hugged her every curve drove me absolutely fucking wild.

Not to mention, to hear her talking about her academic career was enough to make me want to get down and propose to her on the spot.

I was never much of a romantic, I looked at relationships a little more practically. I felt like if two people were committed to each other and had the same priorities in life, you could make anything work out. I was ready to settle down and start a family of my own, but I had yet to meet a woman that had everything I needed.

But Harper, was she that woman?

“So what is your dissertation on?” I asked.

She stopped floating and was quiet for a few moments before answering me. “I doubt you really care about all that.”

“I asked, didn’t I?”

“But you made fun of me for always having a book in hand.”