Hell, she made me ask myself, “Carly who?” as soon as she stepped into the room.

Harper left and I thought back to the text from Brett. Was I happy for them? No, but did the two of them deserve each other? Absolutely. Catching them in bed, while hurtful, was one of the best things either one could have done for me.

It made me realize what shitty people they already were before I started hanging around them and became as mean and terrible as them. It allowed me to grow into a nicer person.

A good person.

Maybe a person that was good enough to date someone like Harper.



When I got back to the room, Kat was already awake. She was scrolling on her phone and looked up with a smile. I thought she might ask where I was, but instead she said, “Wanna go for a swim before dinner?”

“Didn’t you go swimming earlier?” I sat down beside her on the bed. My heart was heavy with all the secrets I was keeping from her, but I remembered what Nathan had said and agreed with him. This wasn’t just about me. Their entire family could be affected if I came clean before the holidays.

“I did, but I could spend all day in that pool. It’s amazing, you’ll see what I mean,” she said with a wink.

She slipped from the bed and started changing right there in the room. We had always been pretty open about that sort of thing, nothing to hide from each other. Kat was covered in tattoos, which made sense since she was a tattoo artist. But every time I saw her, I swore there was a new one.

“You coming or what?” she asked me. Her face fell. “Please tell me you brought a swimsuit. I told you to bring one. I might have some extras, but my boobs aren’t as big as yours and–”

“I brought one,” I said with a laugh. I peeled myself from the bed and reached for my bag.

I began stripping out of my clothing when I noticed a red mark on my thigh. Fingerprints. Someone had grabbed me a little roughly. I noticed a matching set on the other side. They would likely bruise. I wondered if I had any other marks on my bodies left by the boys.

“Looks like someone got lucky,” Kat said with a low whistle.

I caught her staring at the red marks on my body. “What… how… I mean what do you–”

“Calm down, I’m joking,” she said with a cheeky grin. “I know that you fell a few times out there on the slopes, I'm sure you’ll be a bit bruised up and sore tomorrow.”

“Oh yeah, I should probably not fall over like a fainting goat, as Aiden called it, huh?” I forced a smile. That was a close one.

“Yeah, if you really want to learn how to ski, learning to stop is a valuable skill,” she said. “But who needs skiing when you have a heated pool?”

I slipped into my bikini and glanced in the mirror, checking for any more marks on my skin. My bikini was a Tiffany blue with tiny white polka dots, and a high waist that made my curves look really nice.

“You look hot as fuck. My brothers better not be down there or else they may never be able to pick their jaws up off the floor.”

Kat laughed, and I tried to join in with her. The guilt still weighed heavily on me. Why couldn’t I let it go?

“Ready?” Kat asked me.

I grabbed a towel, but Kat told me, “We have all that down there. You don’t need to bring anything,” she said.

She took my hand and led me out the door and down the stairs. As soon as we opened the door to the pool area, I was hit with intense humidity.

Kat hit a switch and the windows rose and opened the pool up to the outside, the frigid air mixing with the warmth and steaming the place up.

“There we go,” she said with a pleased look. “I love the mountain air.”

The pool was infinity style, flowing right to the edge of the deck.

In the distance, there was Mont Blanc and the French Alps, frozen and white with snow. But where we were standing, it was still nice and cozy, even in our bikinis.
