“Thank you, I appreciate that. But I have to think about Kat too.”

Aiden helped me straighten my sweater. Both he and Nathan found their clothes almost as quickly as they had lost them.

“Kat is a big girl, and besides, why does she have to know?” Jackson asked, laying back on the bed and stretching out now that he had it all to himself. I stared a bit too long at the view before remembering I needed to get out of there before we got caught.

“I don’t know how I feel about lying to her.”

“It’s not lying.”

I cocked my head to the side. “Lying by omission is still lying.”

“I don’t know the details of my sister’s sex life; I wouldn’twantto know. She probably doesn't want to know about ours, either.”

He had a good point, but it still didn’t feel right. “I need to think about it. And this can’t happen again. As amazing as it was…”

“It was pretty fucking amazing,” Aiden agreed.

“Yeah, it was,” Nathan added from beside him.

“It would just complicate a lot of things,” I said. “For everyone.”

“Whatever you think is best,” Nathan replied.

Aiden nodded.

Jackson just smirked from the bed as if he knew something I didn’t.

Fully dressed, I knew I needed to get out of there before I did something else I regretted. I left the room without another word and hurried to the room Kat and I were sharing. Kat was curled up in bed with a sleep mask over her eyes. As I closed the door, she stirred and removed the mask.

“What time is it?” she muttered.

“About five.”

“So not time for dinner yet?”


“Alright, wake me up in half an hour if I’m not up yet.”

She curled back into bed, and I thought that might be the end of it, but then she removed her mask and sat up. “Wait a second, where were you?”

“I– um, well, I was hanging with your brothers.” I bit my lip and couldn’t meet her eyes.

“Oh, that must have been fun for you,” she muttered sarcastically. She glanced at the clock and frowned. “What were you doing for three hours?”

“We were talking, and then because of the jet lag, I fell asleep.” God, I hated lying to her. Why didn’t I tell her the truth? Because it felt so awkward, and I wasn’t sure how.

“Well, that sounds dreadful, I’m sorry.” Kat yawned and laid back down before I could work up the guts to tell her the truth. “Thirty more minutes, k?”

“Sure, get some rest,” I said softly before getting into the hottest shower I could stand and scrubbing the evidence of my indiscretion from my skin.



Izoomed in to the photo like I had done countless times before, but I knew that eventually, I would find signs that the photos were doctored.

There was a knock on the door. I let out a growl, hoping that whoever it was might leave.