I ran my fingers through Jackson’s hair, struggling to believe this was reality even though I could feel the aches in my body and the tiredness in my muscles. My eyes were growing heavy as I lay naked and sated with the Bishop brothers.

* * *

As my eyes opened,I began to piece together what had happened, as I tried to figure out what time it was. It felt like I had slept for an eternity. I tried to sit up, but that was not an easy endeavor with three very large men curled up on me. They had fallen asleep, as well. Jackson snored softly, his head still using me as a pillow. I hated to wake them, but I knew that we were playing a very dangerous game. If it was dinner time, we could get caught. What would Rose Bishop think of me if she walked in on me with all three of her sons? Or worse yet… what would Kat think?

Shit, Kat.

What had I done?

I had torn their family apart once as it was.

I moved, trying to slip out of the bed, and in the process, each brother slowly woke up.

“What time is it?” Nathan asked.

“The better question is, what year is it?” Aiden muttered, his eyes still closed as he snuggled deeper into me, making it harder to get up.

Jackson sat up first and reached for his phone, which was charging on the bed next to us. He yawned as he glanced at it. “It’s almost five.”

“PM?” Aiden asked.

“Of course. You think Mom would ever let us miss dinner?” Jackson asked.

“I–I need to get up,” I said, the realization of what we had done hitting me hard.

Nathan moved first, sitting up and giving me ample space to escape the bed.

“Are you okay?” he asked me.

“Yes,” I said quickly, even though I wasn’t sure if I was.

What if Kat had walked in while we were sleeping? What if she was waiting to tell me what a horrible best friend I was for sleeping with her brothers? Oh God… I couldn’t lose her. Not after everything else I had lost. I couldn’t lose my best friend, too. I had already done enough damage to last a lifetime.

Tears welled in my eyes as I searched for my clothes amongst the mess on the floor. I picked up some jeans, but they were definitely not mine.

“Those are mine,” Nathan said, reaching for them as if he’d read my mind.

“We shouldn’t have done this,” I said as I slipped my sweater on. It took me a second to figure out I had put it on backward and I quickly adjusted it.

“Why not? You know it’s okay to be naughty sometimes,” Jackson said, a cocky grin on his face. Aiden was getting his clothes, as was Nathan. But not Jackson. He sat on his bed, buck naked, without a care in the world.

“Because I’m your sister’s best friend, and you guys… you’re brothers.”

“We’re all consenting adults,” Jackson said.

“Yeah, we consented, but maybe we shouldn’t have,” I muttered as I found my panties and slipped them on. I let out a groan of frustration.

“Why?” Jackson asked.

“Because what if this causes drama?”

“Why would it cause drama?” he scoffed.

Nathan and Aiden shared a look, they at least seemed to understand what I was saying.

“It won’t cause drama between us,” Nathan reassured me.

“We can promise you that,” Aiden agreed.