“Hey, man, let’s finish lunch and we can hit the slopes again,” Aiden said loud enough for Jackson to hear. We both feared that if someone didn’t reign him in, Jackson might go over there and make a scene. He was fuming mad.

“I’m done skiing. I just want to go back to the house now. Everything is paid for, leave when you’re done.”

“You’re not going back alone,” I said.

“I need to be alone, Nate.”

The mood ruined, none of us stayed too much longer. I thanked Jean-Luc and Charlotte and made sure to tip them extra well, even though Jackson probably had it covered.



As soon as we entered the house, everyone went their separate ways except Kat and me. “The pool is calling, what do you say?”

“I really need a shower,” I replied.

“There’s showers down there,” she said.

“My entire body hurts, and I think I’m still jetlagged–”

“You’re saying no to a heated pool? The same one you were super excited about this morning?”

“I’ve got plenty of time here still,” I said. “And today might have been enough activity for my poor, aching body.”

“Alright, you don’t mind if I head there, do you? Just for a bit.”

“Oh no, please, go swimming. I think I’m going to shower and nap.”

“Get some rest, bestie,” she said with a smile, heading down the hallway and out of sight. I looked at the stairs in front of me and groaned. My poor, aching legs… I felt thirty years older at that moment, from all of the falling over I did attempting to stop.

But it was fun, I had to admit.

I walked up the stairs, taking them slowly. As I reached the top, I headed down the hall and grabbed the door handle to our room and turned it. Stepping inside, I noticed that the bedding was different.

That’s odd, but maybe the staff changed it,I told myself.

The shower was running.

I laughed. This house was truly a maze. I knocked on the bathroom door and called out.

“Change your mind about the pool? I’d just like to know how you beat me up here! I knew that I walked up those stairs slowly, but geez, you’re fast…”

Just then, the door swung open, and it wasn’t my best friend.

It was her brother.

Jackson Bishop stood there in all his naked glory, not even a towel around his waist. He blinked at me. “Harper, what are you doing here?”

He sounded less upset than I would have expected.

“Oh Jesus, Jackson, I must have walked into the wrong room! This place is such a maze, I’m sorry.” I covered my eyes, but ended up peeking out between my fingers because damn, those abs couldn’t be real, could they? I don’t think I ever saw such a perfect six pack in my life, I thought they had to be photoshopped to look like that.

I slowly backed toward the door, trying my best not to look. Jackson didn’t even bother to cover up. Maybe it was the shock of me walking in on him.

I backed into the bed and scrambled to regain my balance. “I’m sorry, I can’t see when my eyes–”

“You have nothing to be sorry about.” His voice was deep and strong, and it sent a shiver down my body.