“You look gorgeous.” The words slipped from my mouth before I could stop them.

Her cheeks flushed a bright pink, nearly matching the jacket, and she averted her eyes from me.

“Stop hitting on my best friend, jerk,” Kat said, playfully punching me in the arm.

I hated to admit it, but I hadn’t even noticed my sister had entered the room. My eyes had been on Harper.

Kat was grinning, clearly joking. God, I had missed her. I had been away for the last few years, serving in the military, and it really made me realize how much I missed my little sister. I had picked on her a lot growing up, and I felt bad about it now, but seeing her be able to stick up for herself filled me with such pride.

“How doIlook?” Kat asked. She turned around in circles in her all-black ski attire. It had been years since she’d worn it and it was a bit snug for her, too.

“Looking good, Kat,” I said, raising my hand for a high five. Kat looked shocked but hit my hand with hers.

“Are we ready?” Jackson asked.

“I think so,” Harper said. “Do I need to bring anything?”

“Nah, we rent the skis and everything, it’s just easier that way.”

“Perfect.” Harper nibbled her lip, and she looked a little uncertain.

“It’s going to be okay,” I said. “You’ll do fine.”

“You seriously overestimate my abilities, Aiden.” She laughed and it was an adorable sound.

God, she was just so fucking sweet and innocent. Like pure sugar with pink unicorn frosting. What I wouldn’t do for a taste….

My mind went back to what Jackson and I had joked about earlier.

A foursome with Harper.

The idea of it was hot as hell, I had to admit, and if she were anyone else other than my sister’s best friend, I might seriously have considered it. But I reminded myself that it had to stay a fantasy.

As we headed out, Jackson pulled me aside while the others went ahead.

“Hey, I wanted to talk to you about something really quick, to clear the air.”

I cocked an eyebrow. “Alright… I’m listening.”

“I’m sorry for doubting you earlier. I don’t know what happened and haven’t even listened to your side of the story, yet I wrote you off as a liar. That’s not cool.”

I nearly froze in place. Was Jackson apologizing to me? There was a first time for everything, but I had to wonder what caused the sudden change of heart.

He continued, “So I’d be happy to look into your case for you and see if there’s anything I can do to help clear your name.”

“Really?” I was so stunned, I couldn’t think of anything else to say.

“Really, Aiden. I mean it. Mom says you’re a changed man, and I believe her. I want to believe you, too.”

Well, clearly he still had his doubts, but it was a start.

“Thanks, man. I appreciate it.”

The day was already off to a better start than I expected. Maybe there was hope for some family bonding after all.

Not to mention, the way that Harper glanced back and smiled at me, checking on us, was enough to keep me headed toward the slopes.

Kat rushed back to me and asked, “You okay? Jackson not giving you too much trouble?” She looked right at Jackson when she asked.