“Heading out?”

I paused just long enough to answer him. “Yeah, going for a walk.”

“Mind if I tag along?”

He was already at the door with me before I could object.

“Did Mom put you up to this?”

“No, not at all. I’m just a bit bored.”

I wasn’t sure if I believed him, but I also didn’t feel like arguing.

“Alright, but only if you can keep up with me.”

“I think I can manage,” Nathan laughed as he grabbed a coat from the front closet.

I was enjoying the silence of the mountains around me. When we got a few feet from the house, however, I recognized Nathan was struggling with something.

“So what’s up, man?” I asked.


“Suit yourself,” I said and continued walking. If he didn’t want to talk, I wasn’t going to force him.

Nathan didn’t speak for a few moments but finally heaved a deep sigh.

“I got an invitation to Carly and Brett’s wedding.”

Hearing the words caused me to stop in place and turn to face my brother. “What the hell? Really?”

“Yeah, after not talking to either of them for three years, they just invited me out of the blue.”

“They’re assholes. I never understood why you hung out with them.”

We continued walking slowly. Nathan shrugged. “They weren’t so bad, or so I thought.”

“What they did to Harper was fucked up, you have to admit that.”

“Yeah, it was and I should have dumped Carly after that, but she convinced me it was just a joke, she hadn’t meant to hurt anyone.”

“Did she pull that bullshit when you caught her with your best friend too?”

“Something like that,” Nate muttered. I knew that catching his high school sweetheart in bed with his best friend had done a number on my brother, but after three years, I had expected him to be over it. Then again, maybe he was, but the invite seemed to open up fresh wounds.

Neither of us were raised with the ability to talk about our feelings openly, and I wasn’t sure what to say to my brother. I could see he was hurting but wasn’t sure what he needed or if he even wanted me to say anything about it.

So, I decided to change the subject to something a little more pleasant.

“Harper is pretty hot. Who knew that girl would grow up to look like that.”

Nathan chuckled but kept his gaze fixed in front of us.

“What? You don’t think so?”

“No, she’s gorgeous,” Nathan said. “I really didn’t expect her to show up looking like that either after all these years.”
