Page 131 of Bad Nanny



Eight months later…

There was only one thing better than sex, and that was “just got out of prison” sex.

Jason I were in bed, the sheets soft and white all around us, the sun pouring into the bedroom and casting the place in a golden glow.

Everything was perfect. And more importantly, my man was back.

He’d been gone for six months. Jason served his sentence upstate, just like he’d anticipated. Willa and I had gone to see him as often as we could, but visits weren’t the same as him being there with us, and we all knew it.

But now he was back, and the moment he stepped out of the car that had brought him back from prison, I felt like a missing piece of my life had finally been put back in place.

Last night, when he’d gotten home, we’d been too excited for anything sexy to happen. Not to mention Willa had been over the moon with her father back. We spent the night eating a feast of all the junk food that Jason had been doing without over the last few months, followed by a family movie night on the couch complete with big bowls of ice cream.

It’d been perfect. And Jason finally was able to meet in person the newest member of our little family. Simon, our baby boy, had been born a few months ago.

Jason had spent the evening holding our precious Simon, who kept looking up at him with those huge blue eyes that he’d unmistakably gotten from his dad.

We were a family again. I was happier than I ever could’ve imagined.

And today wasn’t just the first full day he’d be back—it was the day of our wedding.

We’d been planning the wedding over the last few months, both of us eager to tie the knot the moment he got out. But what started as a grand affair quickly turned into something smaller, more intimate. After all, we didn’t need some huge, over-the-top wedding. We had each other, and that was all that mattered.

But that morning was just for the two of us. The moment we both opened our eyes, we were all over one another, our lips locking together like magnets, our hands grabbing one another’s bodies.

The kiss was like nothing else. We’d kissed the day before, of course, but being alone, having that passion between us, took it to another level.

Jason didn’t waste any time stripping me out of my sheer nightie, tossing the thing aside where it landed in a small heap. And I got him out of his pajama pants, his cock already hard and stretched against the fabric.

That cock. I’d gone far, far too long without it. And I was ready to make up for lost time. I wrapped my fingers around it, Jason groaning as I caressed his length.

“Feel good, baby?” I asked in between kisses along his collarbone.

“So, so fucking good. I’m never going another damn day without your touch.”

Exactly what I wanted to hear. I kept on stroking Jason. He moved his body against mine, and I couldn’t help but notice he was…bigger than before.

“This is new,” I said, moving my free hand over his somehow broader shoulders.

“Gotta pass the time somehow,” he said with a grin. “Gym’s as good as any other way.”

I wasn’t about to argue with it. I moved my lips along his collarbone, over his square pecs. And as I touched him he touched me right back, rubbing my clit gently with his fingers, teasing me in the way he knew I loved.

We kissed more, stroking and rubbing one another. I’d gone so long without his touch I could’ve easily come just like that. But I had more in mind.

And so did he.

Jason slipped his hand under the small of my back, pulling me close and setting me back-down onto the bed. With a quick, fluid motion he was on top of me, his throbbing, dripping cock inches away from my waiting cunt.

“I’ve been waiting so long for this,” I said, my hand on the back of his head.

“You have no idea.”

I knew I didn’t—he’d been the one in jail, after all.