Page 127 of Bad Nanny

Anton happily handed one to him. Without a moment’s hesitation, Jason signed the papers.

“Not even going to have your lawyer look at them?” asked Anton.

“Just want this to be done with.” He handed them to Anton. “And now, this company, and everything that comes with it, is yours.”

“About damn time,” said Anton.

Then Jason turned to Scott. “You got all that?”

Scott grinned. “Got it all.” He lowered his face toward his chest. “And did you get it, too?”

What the hell was going on?

Before I had a chance to puzzle out the situation, a booming knock sounded from the front door.

“FBI! Open up!”

Holy shit. Jason grinned, stepping away from the group and heading to the doors.

“Jason!” hissed Anton. “What the hell is going on?”

“You’re about to learn the most important lesson in our business, Anton—that your luck eventually runs out.”

“What the hell?” Shauna was pissed.

But she didn’t get a chance to react other than that. Jason opened the front door, and a stream of agents flooded into the place. They swarmed, quickly throwing cuffs on Anton and Shauna and the guards. At their lead was a trim, serious-looking woman. She stepped up to Anton, not a trace of fear in her eyes.

“Anton Cutter? Agent Martinez. Congratulations on your promotion. Hope you enjoyed being on top while it lasted.”

“What’s happening, Jason?”

“Let me answer that,” said Scott. He opened his shirt enough to reveal a small wire.

“Scott,” growled Anton. “You traitorous little sh—”

“Hey,” said Jason. “Not in front of my little girl.”

He nodded to the agents, who quickly undid me and Michael’s binds. Then he stepped over to Anton and, before anyone could react, pulled back his fist and struck him hard in the face.

“That’s for kidnapping my daughter. And my girlfriend.”

Anton turned his eyes back to Jason, still recovering from the blow. “You’re going down with me, you know that? I’ll make certain.”

“We’ll see about that.”

“Let’s get them out of here,” said Agent Martinez.

They left with Anton and the rest, Agent Martinez remaining.

“We’ll be in touch,” she said to Jason and Scott. “This isn’t over yet.”

She turned to leave, and Willa burst from the couch and threw her arms around Jason’s waist. I was still stunned, still in a state of disbelief. But I approached Jason all the same, hugging him when Willa was finally done

But there was something more that needed to be said. I took Jason’s hands, clasping mine around them.

“Jason, I know I betrayed you. Everything that happened, it was my fault. You’ve got no reason to trust me, no reason to not cut me out of your life forever. I can say I’m sorry, but—”

He squeezed my hands back, silencing me with his touch.

“You did what you did for your family. If there’s one thing I can understand, it’s that. You don’t need to ask for my forgiveness—you already have it.”

Tears welled in my eyes. “Does that mean it’s all over?”

“Not yet. But whatever happens next, we’ll go through it together.”

It was all I could’ve asked for.