Page 121 of Bad Nanny

I didn’t like it. It all stunk to high heaven. But there was nothing I could do but meet with Michael and find out what was going on.

After grabbing my things, I hurried out of the house, my heart racing. The world was a blur around me—I felt like my legs weren’t even connected to my body.

Shauna had taken the hard drive. But why? Why would she give it to Anton? Did Jason know about it, too?

I could’ve been busted. But I took some small consolation in the face that Michael was, for the moment, safe.

And Willa. I’d have to get back soon—it was only a short time before she’d be out of class.

It was all so insane, so surreal. By the time I reached the townhome where the address had led me, I felt on the verge of fainting.

But I knocked on the door anyway, my heart still beating like a drum.

The door creaked open. Michael was on the other side.

“Holy shit,” he said, pulling me inside and into a tight hug. “Ho-ly shit.”

“Mike!” I hugged him right back, unable to believe what was going on.

Had I really saved my brother? Was it all over?

He let me out of the hug and looked me up and down, as if there was a chance I might not be real and he had to make sure.

“I don’t want to sound like a downer,” he said. “But I was worried you might not come through.”

It reminded me of what was going on, how Anton had somehow gotten his hands on the hard drive without my doing. A cold spike of fear ran through me.

“Mike,” I said. “Tell me what happened.”

He was confused as hell. “What do you mean ‘what happened?’ You gave Anton the hard drive, and that’s it. He called my debt even, and he’s going to give us a little extra for you risking your ass like that.”

“Mike, I never gave him the hard drive.”

“What? Then how the hell did he get it?”

Footsteps echoed through the hallway. Mike and I both turned in the direction of the noise.

It was Anton. He stood dressed in a sharp suit, two hulking men standing at both sides of him.

“You didn’t give me the hard drive,” he said with a sliver of a smile. “That’s why my other associate had to finish the job.”

“Wait, what other ‘associate?’ What’s all this about?” I asked.

Before Anton could respond, another knock sounded from the front door. The smile stayed on Anton’s lips.

“Looks like our other guest has arrived.” He tilted his chin upward. “Come in!”

The door opened, and Michael and I turned.

A pair of figures were there. At first I couldn’t make them out through the light that poured in. But one was a woman, the other…a kid.

It hit me before my eyes even managed to adjust to the light.

Shauna stepped through, Willa’s hand in hers. Willa’s eyes went right to me, panic taking hold of her features as she realized something was very, very wrong.

“April?” she asked.


She started toward me, but Shauna held her by the hand, keeping her in place. The door shut behind them.

“Is it done?” asked Anton.

“Sure is,” said Shauna. “Left the note for Jason. When he gets home, he’ll know exactly what kind of position he’s in.”

“Excellent,” said Anton, that shark smile still on his face. “Get comfy, friends—we’re about to have some serious fun.”