Page 116 of Bad Nanny

“Good. Talk to you later.”

The screen went black, and I was left with my doubts. Scott was keeping things from me—of that I was certain. And Anton had been MIA for days. Normally he was all about watching over my shoulder, giving me advice that I hadn’t asked for.

Something was up. And I needed to find out what it was.

My phone lit up on my desk—a text from Shauna letting me know she was back with April, and that she was heading back to the office building.

I got up from my desk and made my way to the first floor. Sure enough, April was there. Her eyes went wide as she saw me approach.

“Out with Shauna?” I asked.

Seeing her there…it put away any doubt of my feelings for her. On top of all the stresses I was forced to contend with about the company, April was the only bright spot.

But I had to tell her something. Things were going to be changing, and she had a right to know. Not to mention Willa needing to know.

God, what was I going to tell Willa? If I were to work with Agent Martinez and face the music, she’d be without me for months—maybe even years.

I ran my hand through my hair, taking a deep breath as I tried to wrap my mind around everything that was happening.

“Are you OK?”

Fuck. I’d lost my cool. I never let anyone see me sweat, but there in front of April I was letting my guard down for her to see.

“I’m fine. Just thinking about work.”

“Oh, sure.” She glanced away, reminding me of the way Scott had appeared in the conference call.

Did she have something to hide too? No—April didn’t know anything.

“What are you doing tonight?” I asked without thinking.

“Um, tonight?” she smiled. “Working for you.”

“I was thinking we could spend the evening together. Send Willa to the neighbors’, have some dinner.”

“Really? I mean, it sounds great. But what’s the occasion?”

Oh, just having a very inappropriate evening with my daughter’s nanny before possibly destroying my company and sending myself off to prison. No big deal.

But it sounded nice. An evening with the woman I cared about—like a vacation away from it all.

She stepped over to me, placing her hand on mine. Her touch felt so good, so right.

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “I’d love to spend the evening with you. What’d you have in mind?”

“Dinner. Order something in. How does that sound?”

She smiled, that gorgeous, wonderful smile. “Sounds good to me.”

“I’ll take care of it all. Get in touch with the McPhersons and ask them if Willa can come over later. Say…around six?”

“Six is good.”

“I’ll be working until then, so I’ll see you later, OK?”

Another smile. But this time it was followed up by a kiss. Our lips lingered, our mouths opening enough for our tongues to touch for a brief moment.

“See you then.”