Page 8 of Bad Nanny

“That’d be cool,” said Willa. “She seems nice.”

“Why thank you, Willa. You seem nice too.”

Jason gestured to the doors. “Why don’t you go hang out with Ms. Shauna for a little bit, and then we can figure out what we can do for the rest of the day, OK?”

“OK!” She waved to me one last time before hurrying out the door.

When she was gone, Jason crossed his arms over his big chest and sat on the edge of the desk. “That was…interesting.”

“The good kind, I hope.”

“Definitely. Willa’s not usually like that. Ever since her mom died, she’s been…I don’t know, stuck in a shell. Doesn’t really come out, not with adults, not with kids her age. But with you…that was different.”

“I like to just talk to kids about what they’re into. Usually gets ’em to open up.”

“Right. You clearly have a way with them.” He glanced aside, seeming to think something over. “I had a full interview for you, but I think your minute or so with my daughter spoke for you better than any of my questions could. Here’s what I’m thinking—we bring you on for a trial period. Let’s say a week. And if that goes as well as this did, then we can talk about something more permanent.”

Holy shit. I’d won the guy over.

“That would be great! I look forward to the opportunity.”

“Great. I’ll be in touch. Plan on starting Monday—as you know, this is a live-in job, so pack accordingly.”

He offered his hand again, and I took it.

“Let’s see what happens,” he said, his hand warm around mine.


I left the office, and though I couldn’t be sure, it felt as though his eyes were on my body as I made my way out. After saying another goodbye to Willa, letting her know I’d be seeing her soon, I was in the elevator on my way down.

I’d done it. I’d gotten the job. Almost.

Now came the hard part—the part where I had to lie through my teeth and betray the man who’d just trusted me with his daughter.

Here goes nothing.