Page 69 of Bad Nanny

I had no idea what to do. I had to save my brother, but to do it meant I had to betray Jason. I was stuck, with no way out.

After tossing back the rest of my drink, I broke away from the crowd, heading down to the end of the balcony. I was alone, and at that moment it was exactly what I wanted.

But as soon as I turned the corner, I saw something that made me stop in my tracks.

It was Scott, Jason’s brother. And he was with Shauna.

The two of them were close, their figures hidden in the shadows of the building. My first thought was that they were making out. I mean, they were each other’s date—was it that hard to believe?

As I watched them, though, I saw that it was something different. They were in low, conspiratorial whispers. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, but it was clear it was a conversation I, or anyone else, wasn’t meant to be a part of.

What the hell was going on? Why would Scott and Shauna be away from the party like that? Breaking away to hook up would’ve actually made sense, but this wasn’t that at all.

Then Scott’s hand fell onto Shauna’s hip, and his eyes flicked up in my direction.

I gasped, pulling myself around the corner, my heart racing. With quick steps I hurried back inside just in time to watch the partygoers form up around the stage.

It was time for the speeches. Anton stepped onto the stage to loud applause, raising his palms and quieting the crowd once he stood behind the podium. He thanked everyone for coming before launching into a by-the-numbers speech about the charity and how everyone’s help made it all possible, et cetera.

As he spoke, the image of Shauna and Scott lingered in my mind. What was going on between them? Were they having some kind of affair? If so, why would they bother to keep it hidden like that? Neither of them was married, and it wasn’t as though them being an item would be any sort of major scandal. But still, Jason was Shauna’s boss, not Scott. I couldn’t figure out what they’d have to discuss.

It was all too much. The party, the confrontation with the women, Anton, Jason, Scott, and Shauna—it all whirled around in my mind as surely as the champagne, having the same dizzying effect.

Jason gave his speech next, and it followed the same lines as Anton’s. But seeing him on stage calmed me. Jason had poise and confidence, like nothing in the world could touch him. He commanded the room, having them hanging on his every word, laughing along with all of his jokes.

The man was born to lead, that much was for certain.

When he finished, the applause sounding out, Jason strode from the stage as the band picked up, launching into a slow number.

“How was I?” he asked with that cocky, sexy smile I already couldn’t get enough of.

“You were great.”

He was, but damn did I have a hard time focusing on him.

Then he did something I wasn’t expecting—Jason slipped his arm around my waist and pulled me close, his solid body pressing against mine.

“Care for a dance?”

Despite the tension and confusion whirling around inside me, a dance sounded nice.

“Sure,” I said, the first smile in a long while appearing on my lips.

We stepped into it. Jason held me close, one hand on the small of my back and the other on my shoulder.

“About what you expected from tonight?” he asked.

“Really, I had no idea what to expect.”

I wasn’t sure if it was his words or the wine or the comfort I felt being so close to him, but without thinking I placed my head on his shoulder. The band played “Cheek to Cheek,” a fitting song for him and me.

“I know this job has been…challenging,” he said. “But I want you to know I haven’t regretted hiring you even once.”

“Thank you.”

“You’ve been great to have around, great with Willa. She’s kind of crazy about you, you know.”

“And I’m kind of crazy about her, too.”