Page 40 of Bad Nanny

“Happy to have the first day on the job behind you?”

I arrayed the ingredients on the counter along with a bowl, and began cracking.

“So far so good, I think. I had fun with Willa at the museum.”

“That’s what I hear. And she mentioned something about you bumping into a boyfriend at the park? Jason mentioned it to me.”

Now this was something I hadn’t expected to discuss. A tinge of fear ran through me. Did I need to lie to her, too? Of course I did. What was I supposed to say, that my kidnapped brother showed up to warn me about hurrying up with spying on her boss?

“Yeah, some ex of mine,” I said, surprised at how easily the lie came out.

Shauna shook her head. “Ugh, hate when that happens. I swear, you’d think for how big this city is you’d have an easier time not bumping into the exact people you don’t want to see, right?”

“Right.” I began stirring the eggs with a fork, turning them into a yellow slurry.

“Let me guess—you guys broke up because he was an asshole and now he’s had some magical change of heart, realizes how special you are, and wants to get back together.”

On top of the lie, it was bizarre as hell talking about my brother like that. Nothing to do but go with it, though.

“Exactly what happened. We date for two months, I find out he’s cheating on me, and he acts like this is something I should, I don’t know, ignore so I can be lucky enough to have him back in my life.” Another lie that came out with total ease. I didn’t like the habit I was developing.

Shauna rolled her eyes. “Typical. They don’t appreciate you when you’re around, and then when you’re gone all of a sudden you’re the only woman in the world.”


The reality of my dating life was nothing that dramatic. Aside from a few go-nowhere Tinder dates here and there, I hadn’t had much time to even think about anything serious.

Shauna set down her pen, glancing to the side as if considering something.

“What’s up?” I asked.

“You remember what Willa said yesterday about the kids at school?”

“The ones who were giving her trouble?”


“What about them? Besides that they were being total jerks to a really sweet kid.”

“More about what they were saying specifically.” She glanced around, as if wanting to make sure no one was listening in. “Like, about Mr. Ryder being a criminal.”

Now I really had to play it cool. “Oh, that? I just assumed they were making stuff up.”

“Well, they were.” Shauna’s voice was firm. “Mr. Ryder’s a very wealthy, very powerful man. And he can be pretty secretive, too. When you’re like that, people tend to come up with their own theories about you, specifically how you earn your living.”

“And they think he’s a criminal?”

“Jason’s father earned a fortune, and there’d been talk he’d dabbled in gambling for some of it. Evidently, that’s enough to start rumors of being some kind of criminal kingpin.” She laughed. “Crazy, right?”

“Totally crazy.”

“Well, I just wanted to mention this to you now in case it came up again.”

“Thanks for the head’s up. I’ll keep all that in mind.”

I started the burner and put the pan onto it, spearing a couple pieces of soaked bread and dropping them into the sizzling butter. As I watched the toast cook, I considered Shauna’s words.

Did she know? Or had Jason managed to pull the wool over her eyes, too?