Page 20 of Bad Nanny

“A little bit of milk.”

She nodded and prepared the cups, the two of us sitting down at the kitchen bar.

My curiosity got the better of me. “So…you’re Jason, I mean Mr. Ryder’s, personal assistant, right?”

“That’s right. And you’re probably wondering why I’m here at the house instead of at the office. Are you familiar with the concept of a ‘body man’?”

“I’m not…sounds kinda—”

“Kinda strange, right? Really, what it means is that I’m Jason’s personal assistant about more things than only office-related stuff. Kind of a ‘Jane of all trades.’ I help him manage his schedule, take care of the house, and essentially make sure everything in his life runs as smoothly as possible.”

“So, you’re with him all the time?”

“Within reason. I stay at the house every now and then, and I’m on-call all day.”

“That’s not too demanding?”

She smiled. “Well, Jason’s a very demanding man.”

The expression on her face…I couldn’t really make out. It was almost dreamy, like she thought about him in more than a professional sense. Did Shauna and him have a thing?

Was I really thinking about Jason in that way? I mean, sure he was totally hot. But a tinge of jealousy ran through me at the idea of Shauna being with Jason like that. I made a quick, silent vow to push that sort of nonsense out of my head. After all, I had two jobs to worry about.

“How’s the coffee?”

I took a sip, my eyes going wide at how good it was. “It’s amazing.”

“Only the best for Jason. I handle groceries and all that here too, so nothing goes into his body without my say-so.”

Strange way to phrase it, but OK.

Shauna folded her hands on the counter and regarded me with an expression that was friendly and intense at the same time.

“So,” she said. “You’re probably wondering what it’s like to work for him, right?”

“I am. I mean, I’ve worked for some rich people here in the city, but…”

“None like him. And you’re right to think working for Jason is unlike any job you’ve had before.”

“Is that right?”

“It is. But…I can’t really go into it. Just remember that a man like him is used to getting what he wants. That means the whole thing with him saying ‘jump’ and you asking ‘how high.’”

“Believe me, I’m used to rich clients demanding that sort of thing.”

“Good. Then you’ll go far here.” She smiled, this time in a way that was almost… fangirlish. Like the kind of smile you’d expect on a teenage girl talking about her favorite Jonas Brother. “And, of course, you’ve noticed how hot he is.”

My face went a deep shade of red. “Um, what?”

She cocked her head to the side. “April, you had to notice the second you saw him that he’s probably the hottest billionaire on the planet.”

“I mean, he’s pretty good-looking, I guess.”

“‘I guess.’ Those blue eyes, that blond hair…come on, you have to admit he’s a stud.”

This, I hadn’t been expecting. I found myself wondering if it was some kind of trick, like she might’ve been trying to get me to admit something unprofessional.

Don’t be so paranoid. She’s being nice, trying to act friendly. Lord knows you could use a few friends in this town.