Page 130 of Bad Nanny

“Oh, I knew it was a bad idea to tell you now. I should’ve waited until…I don’t know, until you got out? The timing’s terrible. I—”

She didn’t get a chance to finish. I pressed my lips onto hers, sealing them with a kiss.

“It’s the perfect time. Knowing that we’re going to start a family together…I couldn’t ask for anything better.”

April smiled. “Good. Because there’s only so long you can hide a baby bump.”

“And that’s how we’re going to do things from here on out—no more secrets, no more lies. Open and honest always.”

“I like that.”

“Now…in the interest of being open, I have something of my own to tell you.”

“Oh yeah?”

“Something I also wasn’t sure of when to say. Or, more specifically, when to ask. Wait here.”

I went into the bedroom, opened the drawer where I’d been hiding my little secret, and returned to the balcony.

April was eager, the excitement in her eyes.

I took a deep breath and started.

“April, the moment I laid eyes on you, I knew you were something special. When you came into my life, I was in a place where I didn’t know where I’d be, what my future would hold. For the first time I was…unsure of myself. But the more I learned about you, found out what kind of woman you were, I found that certainty. Sure, I didn’t know where my life would lead me, but I knew whatever was in store, I wanted you to be there with me.”

She said nothing, tears forming in her eyes. I took out the small box and opened it, the diamond ring glittering in the morning sun.

“April, will you—”

Her arms went around me, pulling me into such a tight hug that I worried I might drop the ring.

“Of course I will!”

I couldn’t have imagined being happier. The ring went on her finger, and my lips went to hers.

The moment was perfect. Timing didn’t matter. All that did was that I was with her.

We both took a moment to catch our breaths.

“Well,” she said. “We’ve both got some big news.”

“And a little lady in there who’s going to be thrilled to hear it.”

“Let’s go.”

I took April’s hand and together, we went into the living room. Willa was there, dressed in an adorable outfit for the day ahead. She looked up from her book, seeming to sense the situation right away.

“What’s going on?” she asked.

April and I regarded one another with smiles. Then Willa locked her eyes onto the ring and hopped up from the couch.

“Yes!” she cried out, pumping her fist into the air.

After a small bit of celebrating, it was time to go. We took the car to the courthouse, a bustling scene of reporters already there. Scott was waiting for us inside, and made his way over as soon as he spotted us.

“All right, big brother,” he said. “Ready to face the music?”


It didn’t matter what was ahead. I had my family, and the woman I loved was standing at my side.