Page 5 of Empire of Carnage


Konstantin clears his throat and leans down to whisper in my ear, “Boss, we’ve got a problem.”

There’s always a fucking problem. Keeping an air of ease, I smile at the two men opposite me. “If you would excuse me for a minute, gentlemen.”

They nod their heads in agreement as I stand and smooth down the front of my suit jacket, walking away from the table with my Sovietnik calmly. “What the hell is it?” I growl, turning toward him once we’re out of earshot.

Konstantin knows how important this deal is to the bratva and my long-term plan.

His jaw works. “Grigory Lebedev’s men have been spotted lingering outside of the club.” There’s true concern blazing in his eyes. “We think he’s preempting a strike on us.”

I narrow my eyes at him, anger coiling through me at the mention of my enemy. “Motherfucker better not be planning a strike. I’ll burn his entire world to the ground.” I run a hand through my hair. It’s clear that my plan to move against him hasn’t gone unnoticed. If he knows that I’m trying to strike deals with the elite of Moscow, then he’ll do anything to stop me.

Moscow center has been on my radar for a few years now, ever since I cemented my control over Zelenograd. I want to move out of this shithole and that’s why I need support from the politicians and the oligarchs of Moscow, two of which are waiting at a table to give me their verdict on my proposal. Grigory naturally wants to block the rise of the Morozov Bratva as we’re a threat to his control, but he’s getting old and predictable. It’s time fresh blood takes control of the streets of Moscow.

“Make sure our men intercept them, no matter the cost.” I shake my head. “I will not let him block this deal when I’m so close.”

Konstantin bows his head. “Yes, sir.”

“Don’t let me down, Konstantin. We need this deal if we’re going to take Moscow.”

He bows his head and then walks away to set in motion my orders. My attention moves to the two politicians I’m meeting with and I clear my throat, trying to shake off the distraction as I need to be on my game if I’m going to win them over. So, I walk over and plaster a smile on my face, sitting down opposite them. “I apologize for the interruption.” I take a long sip of whiskey. “Where were we?”

Stepan, the younger and more ruthless of the two, clears his throat. “You were telling us that your organization can help us with our political careers?”

“Certainly.” I nod. “Our organization has a lot of sway over the voters in the suburbs. If you were to give us a chance, we’d get your party the numbers you need.”

Arseny raises a brow. “And why should we push aside Grigory with all his experience for a rookie?”

The word rookie flares the rage already simmering inside of me as I clench my fists, but I have to hold it back, as these are politicians, not criminals, they won’t respond well to anger or aggression.

“Grigory Lebedev is old, and he’s growing complacent.” I run the palm of my hand over the back of my neck. “In fact, he’s been complacent for a long while and I intend to take everything from him.” I shrug. “You can either be a part of that or go down with him.”

Arseny nods. “I agree that Grigory is complacent and believes himself untouchable.” His eyes narrow. “What I’m unsure of is whether you and your bratva are the right organization to replace him.”

Arseny might be older, but he’s also cunning. He’s going to make this more difficult and cracking him will be a challenge if I want them on board. The risk involved needs to be sure to reward him greatly, otherwise he could lose years of work.

“The Morozov Bratva is the only possible replacement.” I crack my knuckles. “The entire political and criminal system in Moscow is stale. The black market economy that you use as your life blood is stalling and growth is at an all-time low in Moscow, and yet here in Zelenograd, we’ve experienced the highest growth since I inherited the title of Pakhan from my father.” I narrow my eyes at the two men, glancing between the two of them. “If that isn’t a good enough reason to back us, then I don’t know what is.”

They glance at each other briefly, Arseny nodding.

Stepan runs a hand through his hair. “You make a very good argument, Valery.”

“Indeed, but we need proof that you can overthrow him.” Arseny takes a long sip of his drink. “What is your plan?”

It takes all my self-control not to snap at this asshole. There’s a plan, but it’s not one I intend to divulge to a politician. The risk involved in what is in motion right now is insane. “Let’s just say I intend to take something precious from Grigory and hold it over him.”

Stepan arches a brow. “That’s it? That is your grand plan to force Grigory Lebedev to back down.”

I grind my teeth together. “I know what I’m doing.”

“It would be a good plan if there was anything in this world that Grigory cares more about more than himself,” Arseny adds.

I may not know Grigory personally, only by reputation, but surely his children are precious enough to him to concede. “Believe me, I know something that will force him to back down.”

“I hope it’s not Anya,” Stepan says.

I clench my jaw. “What if it is?”