It was hard to ignore the appreciative stares around her. It gave her confidence, confidence that had disappeared in the weeks since Josh had cheated on her.

She loved this holiday. She loved this ship. And she loved being in Reuben’s company. He’d helped her realise that none of this was down to her. When she allowed herself to think back she knew things would never have worked with Josh. With hindsight, it was obvious he’d been using her. And even though she hated acknowledging it, she had to in order to move forward.

And that was exactly how she felt now—as if she was moving forward.

Reuben was wearing a pale blue shirt and dark trousers. She could see the outline of his muscles and defined waist beneath the fine fabric of his shirt. He’d caught her gaze and was watching her weave her way through the crowd. And this time there was something different in his look. It had always been there—simmering just beneath the surface—but now his gaze was full of pure unadulterated lust.

Her stomach muscles clenched and she could feel her heartbeat starting to quicken. His eyes seemed to caress her as she moved towards him, skimming the way the dress clung to her curves. She lifted her chin, enjoying his gaze.

His brown eyes met hers. Unspoken words passed between them. None of this had been a figment of her imagination. Reuben Tyler, sports agents and a man with an income she couldn’t even comprehend, was interested in her, Lara Callaway, nanny.

In any other lifetime she wouldn’t have believed it.

But she wasn’t interested in Reuben Tyler, sports agent.

She was interested in Reuben Tyler, the guy with a sexy accent that made her knees tremble and who was happy to eat cake and drink coffee with her. The guy had even taken her shopping—she hadn’t met a guy like that before.

And she didn’t have a fancy job title. She didn’t even have anywhere to stay right now. And he certainly wasn’t after her for her money. Here’s hoping he just liked her for herself.

Her footsteps faltered, even though the floor was smooth and even. Recognition dawned in her. She’d been annoyed by Reuben’s questions before. But he’d asked her the things she should have asked herself. She loved working for Addison and Caleb. She loved looking after Tristan. But was it really the job of her dreams, or had she just temporarily landed on her feet?

A tiny little part of her had always wanted to go back to university. She had the qualifications—all she had to do was reapply and save some money. She could do that. She could. Her footsteps started again with renewed confidence. Part of her felt guilty. She’d have to tell Addison her plans, and Addison had been good to her. But in a few years Tristan would be grown and wouldn’t need her any more. He was due to start school after the summer. Her role would be reduced. It made sense to plan ahead now.

Reuben’s brow had creased as her steps had slowed but now she gave him another smile. A smile of assurance. A smile of determination.

The momentum of her footsteps carried her onward, even though her stomach was still clenching a little. Confidence was a wonderful thing. But it could also be a curse.

She knew the attraction between her and Reuben was off the charts. But what next? She didn’t want to be the next girl he was photographed with in the press. She wasn’t interested in a fling or short-term thing. She wanted to be good enough for Reuben on a permanent basis. Not just a temporary one.

And tonight that’s what she intended to find out.


REUBEN HAD LOST all interest in the football game the second he’d spotted Lara across the room. It was impossible—he knew it but it was almost as if he could spot her sparkling blue eyes from the doorway and kept fixed on them as she moved towards him.

He didn’t want to miss a single moment. The dress was perfect, hugging her curves and giving more than a hint of what lay beneath.

He sucked in a breath as for a few seconds her footsteps faltered. But it was only temporary. She met his gaze again and took the final steps towards him, coming closer than he would ever have expected, placing her hands firmly on his chest.

‘So, what about this dinner, then?’

It was so direct. Straight to the point. And every cell in his body loved that.

But there was still that tiny part of him that was holding back. He liked this woman so much that he didn’t want to do anything to hurt her. The surge of hormones was overwhelming. And they all gave one clear, direct message. Those blue, unblinking eyes were staring straight into his soul. Asking the question What is this? all over again.

Was he really brave enough to answer?

Her eyes were bewitching. Pulling him in. Making him feel as if things were really out of his control. Their flirtation had been going on from that first direct hit over his head. From the second he’d had his first view of the giant pink teddy bear. But that teddy bear had morphed into a real-life siren.