But every time Reuben took a step into her personal space those expectations rose. The electric buzz had been rising slowly, first to a simmer then to some definite bubbles. Everything was just beneath the surface. All it would take was one move, one look, one connection to make everything erupt.

She just wasn’t sure she was ready for it.

She’d just broken up with Josh. She should be distraught. She should be giving herself some time to heal and collect her thoughts.

But everything about her was jittery. Her stomach was permanently clenched. Reuben hadn’t offered anything. Hadn’t mentioned anything. He was here with her now after inviting himself on her holiday.

He was sharing her cabin—sharing her bed with no discussion of what on earth was going on between them. And she couldn’t ask. Because then she would be admitting there was something.

It was official. Reuben Tyler was the most exasperating man she’d ever met.

She looked up at the brown eyes that were fixed on hers. What would he do right now if she stood up on tiptoe, wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him—just like he’d kissed her in the store in London?

Maybe it was time she kept him on his toes too?

But right now she couldn’t. She gave a tiny shake of her head and a little smile. ‘Monte Carlo it is. I can hardly wait.’

* * *

Holidays seemed to do strange things to Reuben. He was talking to complete and utter strangers at dinner every night and actually finding their company enjoyable. He was having conversations about things other than sport and stocks and shares.

Every time someone assumed that Lara was his partner he couldn’t find the words to correct them. And that was definitely a first for him. He actually liked it that people assumed they were together. He’d nearly blown a quiet gasket when he’d seen some guy leer at her at the bar. But Lara was no shrinking violet. She’d accidentally-on-purpose dropped her iced drink in his lap and promptly left.

Now he was drumming his fingers on the sumptuous piano bar, waiting for Lara to appear before their visit to Monte Carlo’s casino tonight. They’d only arrived in port an hour ago and he’d quickly dressed and left her to get ready. He’d been able to tell she was nervous.

Funny thing was he was a little nervous too.

The man next to him made a little strangled noise, choking on his rich Merlot. Reuben spun around to follow his gaze and almost choked himself. Lara was wearing the gold dress, the one that looked completely sheer and was covered with jewels and gold sequins. It gave the illusion of nakedness where there was really none. Just as well he actually knew that—the rest of the men in the bar would continue to keep their eyes entirely on her.

But Reuben couldn’t have dragged his eyes away if he’d tried.

Lara’s skin had only the tiniest hint of colour, her long blonde hair resting in gently cascading curls down her shoulders. Her only jewellery was a thin gold locket around her neck and her long bare legs finished with her jewelled wedges drew almost as much attention as the dress itself.

She was every inch the belle of the Monte Carlo ball.

His feet moved automatically to meet her. It was almost self-preservation. If he wasn’t by her side in an instant some other guy would be. Without even thinking, he slipped an arm around her waist and gave her a kiss on the cheek. ‘You look amazing, Lara.’

There was still a glimmer of uncertainty in her face, the tiniest part of her still lacking in self-confidence. He couldn’t for a second understand why—and he’d bet every person in the room wouldn’t understand either.

But this was Lara. They didn’t know her like he did.

She gave a little nod of her head and sucked in a breath. ‘Thank you,’ she said, running her eyes up and down his formal suit.

This time it was his turn to suck in his breath, even though he didn’t understand why. He pointed towards the bar. ‘Do you want to have a drink before we go?’

She shook her head. ‘No.’ Her gaze meshed with his. ‘I’d rather just get this night started.’

The words sent a buzz through his entire body. If any other woman had said those words he would immediately have assumed something. Something intimate. But with Lara? He just wasn’t sure.

He held out his elbow towards her. ‘Then Monte Carlo here we come.’

She slid her arm into his. ‘I can’t wait.’

* * *

The journey from the ship to the edge of Monte Carlo took only a few minutes. The ship was moored directly underneath the race track and casino.

There were guards standing at the entrance to the world-famous casino and her stomach gave a little flip-flop as they started up the steps. Trouble was she didn’t know if the flip-flop was for the venue or the handsome man on her arm.