She rested her head against his shoulder. ‘This place seems as if it should be something else entirely.’

His fingers drummed against her waistband. ‘What do you mean?’

‘I kind of wonder why some billionaire hasn’t swept in here with some ridiculous offer and tried to buy this island. Couldn’t you imagine this place with the fortress transformed into some sumptuous private dwelling with a whole host of glass glinting in the sun? It could be like something from a James Bond movie, you know, with lots of glamorous women in floor-length sweeping gowns drinking cocktails with men in tuxedos.’ She glanced around. ‘I bet this place could even have its own helipad.’

She waved her hand in front of her. ‘And all the beautiful people of Marseille would stare over at the island and wonder exactly what was going on here.’

She turned to face Reuben. He gave an almost imperceptible shake of his head and a grin was plastered to his face.

‘What?’ she asked.

‘You,’ he said. ‘I had no idea you had such a wild imagination.’ He reached over and tapped his finger on her forehead. ‘What on earth else goes on in there?’

‘Wouldn’t you like to know?’ she quipped, as she started to walk away.

* * *

It was impossible to ignore the curvy bottom in the white capri pants sashaying in front of him. Bree, the personal shopper, had been right. The pants and shirt knotted right at her navel made the most of all Lara’s assets, hugging her curves in all the right places. As she walked ahead she reached up and caught her blonde hair, tying it back up in a ponytail.

He preferred it down, but she looked good no matter how she wore it.

He could sense the admiring glances around them. Everyone here must think that he and Lara were a couple. And that wouldn’t be a surprise—because they seemed to act like it. He wasn’t afraid to touch her—just like she wasn’t afraid to touch him. She regularly took his hand, put her hands on his arm or chest, or reached out and touched his face.

The strange thing was he was beginning to ache for her touch. It all seemed so natural. It all just seemed to fit. And he was beginning to wonder what things would be like when they got back to reality.

Back in London, he wouldn’t spend much time at Caleb’s house. The work on his own property should be complete, and Addison didn’t exactly roll out the welcome wagon for him. And she certainly wouldn’t appreciate him trying to hang around her nanny.

The thought of not being able to see Lara every day didn’t sit comfortably with him. But what on earth could he do about it?

He knew that she hadn’t been happy last night—she probably thought he’d screwed things up between them. He’d have liked nothing more to have taken her back to the cabin and undressed her—but where would that have left them?

He didn’t want to have a fling with Lara. He didn’t want to wake up the next day and make some excuse to leave. But talking about relationships and feelings just wasn’t his thing. Guys just didn’t have those conversations. Or maybe he was just hanging around with the wrong people?

His parents had certainly never encouraged it. They couldn’t face up to their own relationship failings so they couldn’t possibly offer any advice that he would take notice of. They’d never been that interested in him. And as he’d grown older he’d been wise enough to distance himself from them completely.

Lara had stopped to chat to a couple of elderly ladies who were also on the cruise. One of them threw back her head, laughing, as Lara’s cheeks flushed pink.

He walked over and slid his arm around her waist. ‘What have I missed?’

The pinkness in her cheeks deepened and she waved her hand as the ladies dissolved into another fit of laughter. ‘Oh, nothing, we were just chatting.’

One of them tapped Reuben on the arm. ‘And I wonder who we could have been talking about?’ she said coyly. She reached over and grabbed Reuben’s phone from his hand. ‘Here, let me take a picture of you two lovebirds. You make such a gorgeous couple.’

They barely had time to pose before she handed the phone back and the two ladies walked away, still laughing.

Reuben turned to face her, his fingertips coming into contact with the sliver of bare skin at her waistline. ‘James Bond again?’

She shook her head. ‘Unfortunately not.’

‘Then what?’

She shook her head again. ‘Nothing.’

‘Come on, tell, it’s half the fun.’

She put her hand over his and started to walk back towards the boat. ‘Believe me, my imagination has nothing on theirs.’

‘Now, that sounds really interesting.’