Page 65 of Cold Salvation

He squeezed his arms around me in a breath stealing hug and then left.

I missed him as soon as his presence left the room. Fuck me, this man made me feel like myself before I’d met Luke. That Hana was a strong, willful bitch that no one could say shit to.

I hopped in the shower and took the time to wash and condition my hair. I was going to leave it dripping wet until I was done my coffee and then blow dry it the rest of the way. It kept my hair a little shinier and a lot healthier.

I got out of the shower and grabbed the closest towel, chuckling to myself when I smelled Joseph’s body wash. His manly scent was on my skin when I finished rubbing myself dry. I got dressed quickly and headed to the kitchen to get something to eat. It wasn’t even time to leave and yet I was already exhausted.

The coffee was hot and sitting on the burner. I made my cup just how I liked it then treaded over to the balcony for a view. It wasn’t really a view. Our apartment faced the courtyard, so all I saw were cars parked and the trees planted by landscaping. But it was better than staring at our walls.

I was in the zone. A zen like state where I tried to clear my mind. It wasn’t quite meditating, but it was something I’d learned while in the hospital. It kept the panic attacks and long crying jags to a minimum. I didn’t want to relive the pain, so I focused on a distant tree, letting the wind lull me into a peaceful state of mind.

That must’ve been why I didn’t hear the knocking. By the time I headed back inside, someone was pounding on the door.

“I’m coming, I’m coming. Yeesh.” I pulled the door open to see a tense Mrs. Cartwright standing in the hall clutching her purse. “Mrs. Cartwright? Can I help you?” I was confused as to why she was here.

“Yes, I think you can. Mind if I come in?”

Her snooty sounding voice grated on my nerves, but she was Logan’s mom, so I guessed I would try and be hospitable.

“Sure,” I said, opening the door wider so she could come inside. “Mind taking off your shoes?” It was a custom my mom instilled in me. Joseph was used to it from living at my house, and I didn’t have to tell Logan to do it. The man stalked me so hard, he knew when I was menstruating and ovulating. I was certain he knew I didn’t like people wearing shoes in our home.

“Excuse me?” Mrs. Cartwright sat her purse down but made no move to take off her shoes.

I tried not to feel angry about it, but I couldn’t help the hot flush that went through my body because of her disrespect. She reminded me of Luke at that moment. He never took his shoes off, even when I begged him. Eventually I stopped saying anything at all.

“It’s a custom my family instilled in me at a young age,” I explained. “We don’t wear shoes in the house. I can offer you some house slippers for guests. I keep a ton of new ones in the hall closet.” In my mind, it seemed like a perfectly reasonable request. Yet, Mrs. Cartwright acted as if I slapped her.

“Do you take your shoes off in every home you go into?” If I didn’t know better, I would say her nose tipped even higher in the air.

“Not strangers, unless that’s their custom as well, but close friends and family, I do. Since I’m married to your son, we are family, right?” It felt like I was provoking her, but I couldn’t help myself. Something about her set me off. She made me want to lose my smile and throat punch her.

I didn’t like the way she spoke to and about Logan. I never understood her blindness to Luke. I also didn’t feel welcome once I became Logan’s. Every moment we spent with her felt like she was trying to save me. I didn’t need saving. Logan was misguided and could hurt someone, but he wasn’t as cruel as Luke. Logan showed you his monster, but Luke? He kept it hidden under the guise of an all-American man. I couldn’t abide by that underhandedness.

“Right, then.” Mrs. Cartwright slipped off her heels as I went to grab her a pair of house slippers.

“Did you want something to drink? I have coffee, orange juice, and water.” I tried to be cordial and polite.

Mrs. Cartwright pushed past me and sat in the kitchen. “No, thank you. I won't be staying long.”

“Oh, was there something you needed from Logan? He won’t be back until late tonight.” It confused me as to why she was here and not at AiCart if she needed him.

“No, I wanted to speak with you.” Logan’s mother placed a hand over top of mine and broke my heart with her next words. “I would really like it if you could get a divorce.”

The bomb dropped and I hadn’t braced for impact. “Wait, what?”

She went on like she wasn’t tearing apart my entire world. “Look, you’re a bright, young girl with a good head on your shoulders. You of all people should know how hard it can be to deal with your husband’s unfaithfulness. It’s best for everyone involved if you leave quietly and allow Bethany and Logan to be together. Think about the baby.” She patted my hand like she was feeling maternal love for me, but there’s absolutely no fucking way that’s true.

“What the hell are you talking about?” I shrieked, flinging her hand off mine.

“Don’t make such a fuss. You had to have known I would come here. It’s not like I won’t pay you for your trouble. Name your price, I’ll cut you a check today.”

I sat there and stared at her, unblinking. Did she really think this was going to work? That I would just abandon my husband because of some random girl and her baby? Did I seem like such a cold and callous person?

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Cartwright, but that’s not how I was raised.”

That’s not how I was raised? Am I a fucking moron?I could’ve said so many things other than that. I could’ve said that I loved her son and wasn’t going anywhere. I could’ve asked her to get the fuck out. Hell, I should’ve told her to take her money and shove it where the sun doesn’t fucking shine. But no. I said,that’s not how I was raised.

“Look, Hana,” she continued. “I’m sure there’s another man out there that can give you the family you're looking for. I know you may not understand, but this is what’s best for Logan. What’s best for the company, and for his reputation. Last of all, it’s what’s best for his unborn child.”