Page 56 of Cold Salvation

“I’ll be upfront,” Logan filled the silence. “I’m not ready to share Hana with you. I’m not saying I never will be. I’m just saying I’m not in that place right now.” He hurried through as if afraid we were going to object.

“As much as I want your wife, I wanted more of a chance than anything. I can wait until you're ready,” Joseph said to Logan.

They were acting like I wasn’t here and couldn’t make a decision. “Uh, hello. What about me? Don’t I get a say?”

Logan shot me a frustrated look while Joseph answered me. “Of course, you do, baby girl.”

I hoped he meant that as I struggled to formulate the words on my tongue. “I know that we never spoke of this, but I want us to stay exclusive with whatever—” I motioned with my hands between all of us. “—this is. Not only that, but I’m not sharing you with an angry baby mama. Can we please talk about that?”

Joseph nodded. “I thought you were obsessed with Hana, but now this chick comes out of the woodwork claiming her kid is yours. Make it make sense, man.”

I didn’t want to pile on, so I sat quietly even though I had so much more to say.

Logan cleared his throat, looking embarrassed. “I’ve been so enamored with Hana that I haven’t paid Bethany any attention. She has been getting too clingy at the office, but I assumed it was because she constantly mistakes me for Luke. If I didn’t know her before, I would think she’s lost her mind since his death.”

I snorted. “There is no way she doesn’t know what she’s doing.”

“Is the kid yours? Is there any way that it can be yours?” Joseph snapped, cutting through all the bullshit.

“Don’t call the baby an it.” I slapped him on the shoulder.

“It’s not like it’s your baby,” Joseph added. A pause and then he looked over at me with horror shining in his eyes. “T-that’s not what I meant, baby girl.”

But the damage was done. I pulled away from both men choosing instead to stand by the sink, alone.

“Look at me, my little Hana,” Logan’s raspy voice demanded. I didn’t shake my head no, but I didn’t look up either.

“Baby girl.” Two words. That was all he said.

My eyes snapped to his before I could stop myself. Fuck, these men had so much power over me. Joseph more than Logan because until this moment he hadn’t really hurt me. Until he did.

He could never take back those words. Maybe it was crazy of me to think that I could have Bethany’s baby. If I couldn’t be honest with my men, I could at least be honest with myself. I wanted a baby.

It took some time to wrap my head around, but before I lost mine, I’d gotten better at wanting him or her. I’d rubbed my belly when no one was looking. I double checked my pants, hoping they were tighter, indicating changes I wasn’t seeing in my body yet.

All that and more was stolen from me.

I had jumped feet first into this new dynamic without giving myself proper time to grieve. That was on me. The guys let me wallow, but I hadn’t truly mourned. We didn’t even have a burial.

“What did they do with our baby?” I croaked. I could tell the change in subject had given them whiplash.

Logan looked away from me while Joseph stared intently, looking confused.

“I just thought about it. We never had a funeral. I didn’t even see our child before they were gone.” My breath hitched on a sob.

Logan rushed over and wrapped his arms around me. He didn’t say anything. He just soothed me by rubbing circles on my back.

“You think I would do anything less for our child?” he grumbled in my ear.

“You buried them for me?” I couldn’t believe it. While I laid in the hospital, angry with him about our situation, Logan was the man I needed him to be. I was such a bitch.

“You are not a bitch and if I ever catch you or anyone else tearing you down, I’ll kill them.” Logan warned.

I hadn’t even realized that I was speaking aloud. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled into his shirt, stealing his scent with my nostrils.

“Don’t be. I’ve-We’ve got you.”

I brightened thinking about the way Logan included Joseph in that statement. Maybe there was hope for us yet.