Page 42 of Cold Salvation

I sighed and sank into a bar stool. “I don’t know what’s going on at the moment. Bethany came and said she was carrying Logan’s child. It hurt, and I’m not so sureEommawasn’t right about Joseph from the beginning.” I could only be this candid about Joseph with my parents because they loved him and desperately rooted for us despite our relationship status.

“Bethany? The one who talk bad about my daughter, not knowing I can hear? That secretary with the big butt who wants your husband now. You need to be careful,Ai.”Eommaclarified forOppa.

I nodded.

“Hmm, Joseph wouldn’t look at another woman if he had you,Ai.”Oppacussed quietly beneath his breath.

But I was so close that I still heard it.

“That would be the gist of it.” I took a bite of stew and moaned at the explosion of flavor. This was always my favorite breakfast to eat. It was quick and easy.

“This is why we say be with Joseph with our blessing. But your honor is at stake. So, you need to fight for your husband because you are his wife.”

“She’s coming home with me later to confront him, of course.” A deep voice rumbled behind me.

I spun around and squealed, launching myself at Joseph like I hadn’t seen him in years rather than a few hours.

He picked me off my feet allowing me to climb his body like a monkey. “Missed me, baby girl?” His deep tenor sent shivers down my spine as his voice caressed my ear.

“So much,” I gushed. I had missed him. I wanted his hands on my body in a way that wasn’t meant for my parent’s eyes.

“Come sit and eat,Adeul.”Eommacalled Joseph her son and pulled a bar stool out for Joseph right next to mine.

She made him a plate and we all ate in silence.Oppawas the first to break it. “You know your mother was in love with another man and I almost killed him.”

“What happened to him?” Joseph asked.

“He died unexpectedly.”

Eommaleft the room whileOppaexplained. “We were to meet and talk about the future, but a drunk driver killed him.”Oppasighed, continuing on with his story. “After that, your mom shut down for a bit, but she’s better now. Happier. So, you need to fight,Ai. Fight for your happiness. Fight for who makes you happiest. Life is too short to do anything other than that.”

Oppaleft Joseph and I alone. I bet he went to comfortEomma.My heart hurt for them both. I wanted to wrap them in my love, but I understood what they were trying to tell me.

Josephcleared his throat. “Remember when you were in college and thought that you were in love with Ronnie Wilson? You begged me when I visited you to ask him if he liked you back?”

I laughed recalling that mess. “Yes, you told me that I wasn’t his type.”

“And you broke my nose for saying that.” We both cracked up for that.

Joseph had been around for a long time. Our parents used to run in the same circles. My parents basically raised him, and he helped them keep an eye on me. That was until Joseph came out and his parents cut him off.

“Why?” I shot him a look out the side of my eye knowing that he wasn’t walking down memory lane for no reason.

“Well, I told you that Ronnie didn’t like you, but the truth was… Ronnie was just like me when I was his age. I didn’t want you to get with him. I loved you and he didn’t deserve you. No one was good enough. No oneisgood enough.”

“What happened after your talk with Ronnie?” This was news to me. Joseph never spoke about past relationships like this.

“Well, I kept checking in on him, just to make sure you weren’t with him. He was gay, for a time. Until one party when he realized boobs were softer than cocks.” He looked away, his face growing red.

“He was gay? How didn’t I know this?” I gasped.

“It wasn’t something you needed to concern yourself with.”

Joseph shrugged like it meant nothing, but I knew that wasn’t true. If it meant nothing, then he wouldn’t have brought it up. I just had to be patient until he told me what he needed to do, then we could go from there.

Chapter Nineteen
