Page 45 of Cold Salvation

“I’ll see you at your apartment later today.”

I looked between them, offended. “It’s like that now, huh?” Before they could respond, I stormed out of the office, slamming the door in my wake.

This was the first time I got a feeling of what a future with them looked like. It would be me going back and forth between them like some mistress. They would use me up, but they wouldn’t commit to me. They were already committed to each other. There was no room for me in their lives. Not as anything more than the best friend who supports their toxic relationship from the sidelines.

It wasn’t up to me to tell Hana that her relationship was doomed to fail. Without someone there to keep Logan in check, he’d fall back into his abusive, devious ways yet again.

I could be her salvation in this regard, but she didn’t want it.

Unfortunately for my baby girl, I’d probably not be around to help when she finally realized it. Soon she would see that the only thing keeping Logan in line now was me. She’d see that, as soon as I was out of the picture, he’d roll over as he always had, like the selfish bastard he always was.

But I couldn’t keep doing this. Someone had to put me first. If they wouldn’t, I would.

Chapter Twenty


“What the fuck was that about?” I asked my wife after wiping the residual cum off my face. I threw the tissue in the trash.

I couldn’t believe she saw me like that. On my knees. Like some weak man who couldn’t control his baser instincts. This thing between Joseph and I was supposed to be kept secret. Something that we would do when Hana wasn’t around. Something to occupy his attention she he’d keep his eyes off my wife.

Now, she could see my shame, and I wasn’t going to have that. She wouldn’t look down on me for this. I refused to let her. I couldn’t have her judging me or thinking me a lesser man for bottoming. Because I knew the moment she saw me weak and vulnerable, she would run. That was Hana’s M.O. If she couldn’t handle a situation, she would run, far and fast.

Hana set her purse down on the chair beside my desk. “How long has this been going on?”

I shot her a blasé look. “Isn’t this what you wanted? You wanted us to be together, and we are slowly doing just that. Why aren’t you happy?”

A pause.

Then, like a damn rupturing, she started yelling. “Withme. I thought I was the glue that would keep you two together, but it seems as if I’m no longer needed—was never needed. You two were doing just fine without me, all while pretending otherwise whenever I was around.”

She stood, trembling in front of me. Her fists clasped tightly by her side. Her eyes flashing sparks of betrayal, but I hadn’t betrayed her. Had I? Maybe she saw my being with Joseph as infidelity. I know I felt like the two of them together was cheating.

“What do you want from me?” Enough of the games. Enough of the bullshit.

“I want to know where the man I married is? The man who forced me to be with him. The man who forced his baby inside of me. Where is that man?” She yelled the last line in my face.

“Now, you want me? Now, you want that man? I thought he was too much for you. I thought I was the villain in your fairytale.”

Hana’s face flushed. Her muscles tensed and her teeth bared, which was a little cute. I’d upset her. But, the angrier she got, the calmer I felt. Cause there she was. The woman I’d become obsessed with.

“A villain?” She croaked. “You are not the villain here. There’s nothing you could do to me that would ever be on the same level of cruelty ashim.”

We both knew who she spoke of. It all came back to my brother. Even now, she still thought of him. Rage coursed through my veins.

I reached out and grasped her throat. She glared at me without a shred of fear in her gaze, so I squeezed tighter. The fact that she thought Luke was worse than me made me want to prove her wrong. Because inside, I knew I was a monster as well. The bad guy. The worse guy. He might have trafficked children, but I was a cold-blooded murderer.

Hana stood there, refusing to bend—refusing to break, with her chin held defiantly in the air. But I kept the pressure up until she started turning red. Her eyes panicked when she tried to inhale a breath and found none. Her nails tried to dig into my hand, trying to pry me off.

But I squeezed on, watching her skin color change from deep red to a dark, angry purple.

Stop, you don’t want to hurt her.

That tiny voice in my consciousness had me reining myself in. I needed to calm down before she got hurt. I wasn’t my brother, but there was no doubt in my mind that I was aboutthis closeto becoming him where she was concerned.

I relaxed my hold, allowing her to breathe. I didn’t want to kill her, but fuck if she didn’t make me want to wring her little neck.

Hana inhaled and started coughing immediately. I grabbed the back of her neck hard, under the nape, causing her to yelp in surprise. I drew her close so I would be clear to her ears. Because I would not be repeating myself again.