Istare at Paislee's back in shock. I cannot remember the last time anyone ever said no to me for any reason. I'd been so certain Paislee was going to say yes. I am sure she shares a special bond with Callie and cares for her as much as I do.
Shaking my head, I get into the car and manage to give Callie a reassuring smile.
“How do you feel about coming with me to the office?” I ask.
I would love nothing more than to take her home and spend time with her, but I have a shitload of work to do.
“I don't think I want to see more people. I'd rather go home.” She tells me in a quiet tone of voice.
My heart sinks, but I brave another smile.
“We can do that, kiddo.”
“Good.” She says as she leans back against the car seat.
I can't help but glance at her from time to time as we continue to drive. My heart bleeds at the thought of how hard it's been for her to fit in. I feel even sadder that there's very little I can do about it.
“Do you want to talk about what happened today?” I decide to ask, hoping she will come out of her shell. She's been a shadow of herself since I picked her up.
Callie opens her eyes to gaze at me.
“What difference will it make?”
She doesn't look like she is trying to sound sassy but appears genuinely curious as she awaits my response.
I swallow and say, “It will make a world of difference, honey. A lot of people feel better when they talk about something that bothers them.”
“I feel like I will just continue to feel sad even if I do.” She shrugs as she looks out the window. “It won't change how I feel.”
Knowing better than to push, I desperately search for something else to talk about. I figure talking can keep her mind off the events that happened earlier.
“What about Miss Donovan? What do you think of her?”
“She's great,” Callie replies promptly. “She treats everyone equally and doesn't make it obvious that she likes most of us more than the others.”
I chuckle.
Callie is a smart and keen observer. So, of course, she is going to know that Paislee has favorites.
“Do you know the people she likes more?” I ask teasingly, certain that Callie is on the list. I can tell that she knows she is. Her little blush gives her away, even though she shrugs her tiny shoulder like it isn't a big deal.
“There are just a few of us, I think. I can't really name.”
“But do you think you made it on the list?” I persist, not understanding why I'm a little desperate to know.
“Yes,” Callie finally answers. “She likes me, and I like her too. I enjoy her classes and wish I could spend more time with her.”
I gulp, wondering if it is okay to tell her that I have indeed asked Paislee to be her nanny and tutor. What's the point though when Paislee has flat-out rejected?
After years of bargaining in the cutthroat business world, I've learned never to take no for an answer. Especially when I am sure that the other person will agree to a deal that will also benefit them. It is simply how the world works. I have done it enough times to know just what I need to do and what buttons to push to get Paislee to say yes.
I trust the woman. Callie feels safe around her. Even though she is still currently unaware, I am certain that her acceptance is also going to do her a world of good. I am certain that I can pay way better than the school ever could. As I continue to drive, I become more certain of my plan to get Paislee to say yes. I want her and I am going to do whatever it takes.
* * *