And as her husband-to-be kissed her, she forgot all about the cheers outside.



Arissa nodded as Philippe’s sister, Grace, bent forward to give her a kiss on the cheek. ‘See you in a minute, then,’ she whispered as she sashayed down the aisle in front of her in her navy maid-of-honour dress.

Arissa breathed in. The music had started. It was time to go.

She stared down at her yellow and orange flowers. A slightly unusual wedding bouquet with half the flowers native to Temur Sapora and half native to Corinez.

She took a deep breath again to relax herself. They were in the private palace chapel. The world knew the wedding was taking place today, but they also knew it was only being attended by family and friends. The press had been promised a kiss from the newly-weds on the palace balcony later.

Her cream lace bodice gown with satin skirts had been chosen with help from the Queen. As the music continued she stepped out onto the aisle.

Sun was streaming through the stained-glass windows at the end of the chapel. But she couldn’t focus on the sun. All she could focus on was her handsome prince standing at the end of the aisle, filling out every inch of his dress uniform.

As she reached him he mouthed the words to her, ‘You’re stunning,’ as he lifted her veil and arranged it behind her tiara, which belonged to his mother.

Everything had worked out perfectly. She’d been working at the local hospital for more than a year now—with little interference from the press. The safe haven cot had seen two babies left there—but that was good, because the message was out there. The research from Temur Sapora had finally been published with her name near the bottom of a large list of doctors. But that wasn’t the best part. Philippe had helped her set up a non-profit charitable organisation. The ointment had gone into worldwide production helping people around the globe, with profits now feeding into various charities—as well as the clinic in Temur Sapora.

Most importantly, six weeks out of the year saw them both head back to her island to work in the clinic, swim in the sea and sit on the beach. It was the reality check they both needed. It helped them conquer the overwhelming pressures of trying to build a new health system in Corinez.

The music stilled, and Philippe intertwined his pinky with hers as the minister started the service. ‘My champion,’ he whispered.

She met his gaze and squeezed gently. ‘My champion. For always.’ Then she bent forward to kiss her husband-to-be. She didn’t want to wait a second longer.

* * *

If you enjoyed this story, check out these other great reads from Scarlet Wilson

Locked Down with the Army Doc

Resisting the Single Dad

A Family Made at Christmas

The Doctor and the Princess

All available now!

Keep reading for an excerpt from The Baby They Longed For by Marion Lennox

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The Baby They Longed For

by Marion Lennox


HAPPY IS THE bride the sun shines on.

Happier still was the bride’s mother.

Addie’s mum had been beaming ever since she’d read the weather forecast. Actually, she’d been beaming from the moment Addie and Gavin had announced their engagement.