His hand moved, releasing her fingers as he changed position and came and stood at her back, slipping one hand over hers. It was almost as if he was moving into a protective stance—and somehow that gave her the reassurance that she needed.

He was there. He was with her. Confidence flowed throughout her body. She turned to face Philippe instead of the press. ‘Do you think this can work?’

He leaned forward and put his forehead on hers. It was as if they were the only two people in the room. They weren’t surrounded by TV cameras. There wasn’t an array of hungry press people in the room. ‘Are you sure, Arissa? I love you. I’ll go anywhere with you. I mean that. Don’t do anything that will make you unhappy. I don’t want that for you.’

He blinked and his long eyelashes brushed against her skin and sent tingles to every part of her. ‘Will you be my champion?’ she whispered back.

A smile broke out across his face. ‘Always,’ he murmured.

‘Then, we do this together. We can make this work.’

For a few seconds neither of them moved, but then Philippe raised his head, slipped his hand into hers and turned to face the press pack.

‘Our press conference for today is over. I think you have what you need. Today is a unique opportunity for us all. Please spread the word about the safe haven scheme and our plans for maternity care.’

It was a moment in history. It had never been her intention to be in this situation but at this second she couldn’t be prouder of the man that she loved.

Yes, life would change. But it would change hand in hand with a man that she wanted to be by her side for the rest of her life.

Philippe turned towards her. ‘We need to do something,’ he said quickly, grabbing her hand and pulling her towards the staff room in the fire and rescue centre.

She was stunned. He ushered the few people that were in the room back outside and closed the door quickly behind them.

‘What’s wrong?’ What on earth was he doing?

He shook his head and stepped up close. ‘Nothing is wrong.’ He laughed as he glanced around them, then reached up and touched her cheek. ‘I always thought when I did this I would plan. There would be stars. There would be a romantic dinner. A beautiful setting. Maybe even some music.’ He held his hands out. ‘Instead we have a slightly messy staff room, with a few odd chairs.’

Her stomach flipped. Somehow she knew what was going to happen next. Her heart swelled in her chest as she tried to catch her breath.

Philippe dug down into his pocket and opened a black velvet box as he dropped to one knee. ‘Arissa Cotter, I love you. More than I ever knew was possible. You’ve taught me to trust and love again. I promise that no matter where this road leads I’ll be by your side. If we choose to stay here, then know that I also want to help you with your work in Temur Sapora. When you go there, I’ll go there. I want to mirror your commitments to your own country. It’s part of you, therefore it’s part of me. I want you to—’

She bent forward and put a finger to his lips. ‘Stop talking, Philippe.’ A millisecond of worry flashed across his eyes before she laughed and shook her head. ‘My answer is yes. I love you. I love what you just did for me. I love what you’ve promised me. I hope we never have to leave, but if we do, I’ll be leaving with the man I love.’ She ran her fingers through his hair. ‘I don’t care where we are, just as long as we’re together.’ She glanced down at the ring and her eyes widened. ‘Where on earth did you...?’

He pulled the ring from the box. ‘This was given to me last night by my mother. It’s a family ring, belonged to a former queen.’ He slid the yellow-gold ring with a huge square green emerald onto her finger. ‘My mother said that as soon as she saw you in that green dress, she knew this ring was meant for you.’

Arissa sucked in a breath as her eyes filled with tears. ‘She gave it to you, even though she knew you might leave?’

He nodded as he pulled her towards him. ‘They love you, Arissa. Just as much as I do.’

He walked to the door and opened it for the briefest of seconds. ‘She said yes!’ he shouted before slamming the door closed and pulling her back into his arms.