He heard her small cry to his side as the press erupted in front of him.

‘You can’t do this!’ one of the reporters shouted.

‘What will the King say? The Queen will be furious!’ shouted another.

‘Who approached the patients?’ said another, looking angrily around. ‘We’d never do something like that.’

Philippe didn’t hesitate. He looked from one to the other. ‘I can, and I will. I have spoken to the Queen and have her complete approval. Like any mother on this planet, her overwhelming wish is that her child is happy. The rest of the royal family have given me their unwavering support. Do we really want to examine what the effects of the press attention have resulted in for other royal families? Arissa isn’t here to be a princess. She’s here to be a doctor. I suggest that we let her.’

He nodded to the reporter who’d shouted out last. ‘And I thank you for respecting patient confidentiality.’

The reporter glanced at his neighbours. ‘Any self-respecting reporter would do the same. Let’s face it,’ he said, ‘we’ll all be a patient ourselves at some point.’

Philippe’s voice had gathered strength. He was determined. He could see a few panicked expressions.

‘Philippe.’ The voice was almost a whisper.

She was at his side, her eyes wet with tears. Her arms folded across her body. ‘You can’t give up being a prince for me,’ she said with a shaking voice.

He smiled and stepped down, sliding his hand into her hair. ‘I can. And I will. Tell me where you want to go and I’ll come with you. I’ll work anywhere in the world. If you want to go back to Temur Sapora permanently, then I’ll come with you.’

He could hear the noise roaring behind him. The multiple conversations. Reporters phoning their editors and TV stations.

He ignored every single part of it. The only thing that was important was the woman standing straight in front of him. The woman with the big brown eyes and trembling lips. He didn’t have a single doubt about that—and that told him everything he needed to know.

* * *

It felt as if she were watching a movie of someone else’s life.

Every word peeled back another of the layers she’d shielded herself with.

The role he’d been destined for. Trained for. Prepared for. He was ready to give it all up for her. For love. And he’d told the world.

She’d wanted to talk to him. She’d wanted to talk to him about some of his suggestions for change, and about the possibility of her helping to create a service for kids like the one she’d seen yesterday. The need was there. It could be the next step in the plan. She could make a difference. Wasn’t that what a doctor was for? As long as her patients were protected. Some of the responses in the room were actually heartening. She could see others agreeing with the reporter who’d spoken out last. Maybe raising this issue out loud today, and the report to the IPSO, would be enough to make this stop.

‘I wish you’d told me about the baby that died, Philippe. I know how much that must have affected you.’

He blinked and nodded. ‘It almost broke me. It’s the reason I ended up in Temur Sapora. I was feeling lost when I got there. I knew the job I had to come back and do, and then...’ he smiled ‘...I met you. And it felt like fate. From the very start. Your story and mine, Arissa.’ He bent forward and whispered in her ear. ‘I know that for others this might seem rash. But nothing about us feels wrong. And I’ll do everything I can to make us work.’ The fingers in one of his hands intertwined with hers.

She stopped thinking about the other people in the room and put her hand up and touched Philippe’s face. ‘You have so much work to do here, Philippe. Who else can do it with the passion and dedication that you can? No one else knows this place like you do.’

‘I won’t have you feeling the way you did the other day. Not because of me. I love you, Arissa. I spoke to my mother last night. She completely understands. She wants me to follow my heart, and my heart is you.’

A tear slid down her cheek. She’d never felt so loved by a man. So wanted. Her hand slid over his. ‘But can you be happy if you aren’t here?’