She murmured to herself, ‘And that’s what Philippe is trying to change with baby steps.’ She looked back out over the gardens, her brain mulling over everything she’d heard.

‘Can I have the use of a car?’

Now Jacques was definitely surprised. ‘A car?’

She nodded. ‘I’d like to meet them. The family. The sick kid. This is my speciality. My life’s work. If that kid needs to be seen, and a consultation and treatment plan, then I can do that, I can advise. I can do it for free.’

Jacques looked wary. ‘I’m not sure that’s wise, Dr Cotter.’

She stepped forward. ‘You’re in charge of security, are you not?’

He nodded. ‘Of course.’

‘Then I trust you can arrange this. And I trust you can get me where I need to go safely, and without any publicity.’

He gave a brief nod and she lifted her hand to touch the sleeve of his jacket as she tilted her chin upwards. ‘I didn’t get where I am in this life by always being wise, Mr Feraunt. I got where I am by being compassionate.’

* * *

His mother was waiting when he got back to his room. She was dressed impeccably as always and sitting at his desk. She looked over at his rumpled clothes and raised her brows. ‘What are you going to do about this?’

‘She wants to leave.’ He couldn’t stop the words hurtling out of his mouth.

His mother drummed her fingers on the desk; it was clear she was thinking. ‘Of course she does,’ she said quietly. She licked her lips. ‘What about you?’

He moved over and sagged into the oversized chair on the other side of the desk. ‘What do you mean—what about me?’

She looked straight at him. ‘What’s the most important thing to you right now, Philippe? What’s your priority?’

It was almost as if the world stopped all around him. Everything. No birds singing. No people moving through the corridors of the palace. The stillness amplified in his ears.

It was almost like a magnifying glass on every aspect of his life.

He’d been born a Prince. He’d embraced it for most of his life. He knew what was expected of him. He knew what his place was. The job ahead would be hard—maybe even impossible. He was starting small with maternity services, but eventually he wanted to change his whole country’s healthcare system.

Every hair on his body prickled upwards. But he didn’t want to do it alone.

The realisation was startling. It shouldn’t be. It had gradually crept over him for the last few weeks, ever since he’d met a dedicated doctor with eyes so deep they pulled him in.

He lifted his head to meet his mother’s gaze. He wasn’t even afraid to say the words out loud.

‘My priority is Arissa.’

His mother nodded. ‘How would you feel if she wasn’t here?’

The words felt like a sword spearing his heart. It clarified so much for him in an instant. ‘Like part of me was missing,’ he said softly. He met his mother’s gaze. ‘I don’t want to do any of this without her.’

His mother stayed silent for a few seconds, then she stood slowly. ‘I suspected you might say that.’

She walked over and put her hand on his shoulder. ‘You’re old enough to make your own choices, Philippe, and, whatever you choose to do, I will always be your mother, and I will always love you.’ She bent close to his ear. ‘I don’t ever want my children to feel as if part of them is missing,’ she whispered in an emotion-racked voice.

She walked back out of his door, closing it softly behind her.

He sagged his head down onto his hands. What had he done? What was he about to do?

Part of his brain was screaming out in protest—reminding him how much he loved his country and being part of it. But the other part was forming plans about what it really meant to love someone completely—and to put them above anything else.


THE KID WAS SICK. But in a way it was lucky. She was still at a point where treatment could be very effective—if they were lucky, treatment might even provide a cure.

The family had been more than a little surprised when she’d turned up on their doorstep along with some palace security. After some embarrassment and apologies, Arissa had explained who she was. She wasn’t just the Prince’s latest girlfriend. She was a doctor—a specialist on kids’ blood disorders—and if they’d let her, she’d see their child free of charge and assess what was needed.