Page 26 of Black Widow

Who was he talking to?

What was he planning?

Where were they going?

James continued typing while everyone else sat quietly. It was better when they talked, at least then she didn’t have to guess what they were thinking about.

“Copy,” Cami said from beside her, and she knew they were all communicating.

She chewed on her cheek as she looked out the window. She was almost certain they’d taken a lot longer to return to Manhattan than it had taken them to leave. It was almost as if they were biding time, but Jenna didn’t know why.

Something had happened at the house to set off that alarm. But if it had been Lisa, and she’d been captured, they wouldn’t be in the car heading back to Manhattan. Were they planning to set Lisa up?

James continued typing quickly on his phone. Clearly he didn’t want to speak whatever he was communicating.

“Make a stop here,” James said, pointing to a convenience store.

Deacon veered the car off the street, and James climbed out. Jenna’s eyes followed him inside but she soon lost sight of him.

She looked at the others remaining in the car with her. They seemed calm and no more alert than they had been when they’d left Greenwich. No one said a word and it was unnerving.

James returned a few minutes later with a small bag of items, climbed back into the car, put the bag at his feet and Deacon veered back into the traffic.

Jenna frowned. Why would he stop right now? How could anything from the convenience store be that important?

The pit of her stomach churned—she didn’t like this one bit.

James reached forward, pulling out a handful of chocolate bars. “Snickers or Mars Bars, take your pick,” he said, looking at Deacon.

“Snickers,” he said and James passed him one.

Jenna’s jaw all but dropped open. They’d stopped for candy bars?

James turned, looking over his shoulder, raising his eyebrows at them.

“Snickers,” Cami said, reaching for her bar.

“I guess that leaves Mars Bars for us,” Lachlan said, taking two bars out of James’s hand, passing one to Jenna. She was unsure how she was really supposed to eat with her hands cuffed, but it was a moot point because her churning stomach had eliminated any appetite she may have otherwise had. She held the chocolate bar in her hands as James opened his and everyone merrily ate while Jenna tried to work out what the hell was going on.

Jenna hadn’t spent all that much time in New York, just a few fleeting twenty-four-hour business trips, but she knew it well enough to know they were almost at Grand Central Terminal.

James was back on his phone, typing furiously. What she wouldn’t give to see those messages right now.

She looked to Deacon, whose eyes bounced between the road ahead and the rearview mirror, watching her watching James. But he didn’t give her a clue as to what was coming next.

All Jenna knew was that she needed to get out of this car. If she was going to have a chance at escaping, she needed to be standing on her feet. Grand Central would be busy, even at this hour, and that would work in her favor. If she could get inside the terminal, she could collect the weapons she’d hidden there earlier today in the event they’d needed them. She hadn’t known if she was being watched when she’d left, so she hadn’t collected them on her way out. But she had five knives and one pistol hidden in various locations.

All she needed was a few minutes to get to one of them.

One knife and this game would change.


Samuel: We’re in the system!

James refrained from exhaling with relief. This entire plan had been crafted based on Samuel and Kimberley being able to hack the system. And they’d done it with a few minutes to spare. James almost smiled.

James: See, I told you that you could do it.