Page 11 of Black Widow

“Three people behind you. The train is almost full,” Lachlan said, confirming what James already knew. His stomach churned with dread. He was getting on this train.

James pushed forward, gently pushing people out of the way. It wasn’t his normal style, but right now he didn’t care about being polite. He looked over his shoulder, seeing Lachlan right behind him.

He looked back to the train, his eyes locking on Widow as she stood at the window, looking directly at him.

His heart stopped in his chest as she stared at him.

James stopped pushing forward.

This was a mistake.


“Lachlan, move back!” James commanded, his eyes on Widow.

She stared back at him from the safety of the train. But she was not safe. He would hunt her every remaining day of his life, if that was what it would take.

As commuters made a last-hope dash for the train, James stepped backward, putting some distance between him and Widow. This didn’t feel right, and James always trusted his gut. He was playing into her hands, and that was not a game he wanted to play. He needed to play his own game.

Lachlan, to his credit, didn’t question or argue. Soon they were at the back of the crowd of commuters.

“Let’s go, this way!” James said, turning away from the train. “Keep eyes on her, second window from the door. Let me know if she gets off the train.”

“Copy,”Samuel said.

James didn’t think she would, but he needed to know for sure.

He didn’t look over his shoulder again as he walked away from the train.

“Samuel, stall the train. Black it out,” James commanded.

“Please,” Samuel chided and James almost grinned.

“What’s the plan?” Lachlan asked, falling into step beside him.

“She wanted us on that train. I don’t understand what’s going on, but she stood at the window looking straight at me. Whatever game she’s playing, we were playing right into her hand. Not anymore. Give Samuel a minute—we’re about to change the game.”

“Matt, check in,” James said, continuing toward the ramp.

He paused when silence returned.

“Matt, check in,” James repeated.

A moment passed.

“James...”Samuel said, his voice trailing off. “His tracker shows his vitals are decreased and he’s not moving. It looks like he’s on a track...”

James’s stomach churned. “Which platform?” he asked, coming to a halt.

“Go to your left, I’m loading Matt’s location on your app,” Samuel quickly responded.

James turned and ran, weaving through the crowd of commuters. He stood at the platform, staring down the tracks as far as his eyes could see, but there was no sign of Matt. He didn’t understand what was happening and he felt exposed and three steps behind his enemies.

“I don’t think you’ll be able to see him from the platform as the track curves slightly,” Samuel said.

James’s eyes dropped to his phone then looked back to the track. “When is the next train due?” he asked quickly, already moving forward.

“Four minutes,” Samuel said as James jumped from the platform onto the track, generating screams from the commuters. Security would follow him, so he had to move fast.