Sadie. I know he says they are friends, and she is engaged to his best mate. It’s just hard not to let my jealousy run wild. She’s not just close to Declan, but now Maeve.
“What are those boxes?” I jut my chin to the corner where unmarked packing boxes sit.
“Those are yours. It’s the rest of your stuff from your flat in Birmingham. You were asleep when I came to bed last night,I didn’t get to tell you I was having someone pack up what we missed.”
So he did sleep with me.
“When and how? I mean, we got back here so late, and how did you get into my apartment?”
He raises an eyebrow like I should know the answer already. “It wasn’t hard to get in. That Bennett guy should have had better locks on your door and money talks, Nora. The whole flat was packed up late last night and dropped off early this morning before you woke up.”
I’m going to have to get used to this money thing. It kind of freaks me out. I know Declan isn’t one of those pretentious snobs showing off everything he has.
It’s still not my thing.
I didn’t grow up poor, don’t get me wrong. My da was a lawyer at a prestigious law firm most of my life, and my mam was a Doctor. She made no money, though, since she volunteered most of her time at the local clinic. It was more important to her to give back to the community and make sure people got the care they needed.
If my family ever splurged, it was on summer holidays exploring. My parents thought it was important for me to experience the people and culture that make up the world rather than get fancy presents and spend it frivolously. My mam always repeated the quote, “Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer.”
I always hoped I could afford to travel with my children. I guess with Declan, we won’t have to worry about money.
The little voice in my head is yelling only if he forgives you. But I’m currently ignoring that bitch. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s talking about.
“I’ll show you the rest of the place before we start the day. First, let’s start here.” He opens the cupboard, and a small gasp slips through my lips.
“I had someone stock up the kitchen last night. I wanted to make sure you felt at home with all your favorite things. Let me or my housekeeper Amal know if there is anything else. She’ll be here in a few days.”
He has a housekeeper, of course.
I open and close all the drawers and cabinets, wanting to snoop around and see what he got me.
“I can’t believe you got this all done, and the day has yet to start.”
“You do know you fell asleep at eight last night, right?”
I pause mid-step. “What? That’s impossible.” Well, maybe not. I was mentally and physically exhausted. Also makes sense why I was up so early this morning.
I continue, finding my favorite fruit, kiwi, and my favorite flavor of Tayto crisps. I open the next cabinet and hit the mother load. “That’s a lot of honey.”
“You love honey.”
“I do,” I smirk.
I also like thinking about what he told me he would do with said honey last time we were together.
Declan shows me around the rest of the house and the outside garden. There are endless places to paint here. I love it.
I wish things were different between us right now, but we’ll get there. We have to.
Since it was dark when we arrived last night, it was hard to make out the front garden and the neighboring houses, so I open the front door to take a peek.
The second my foot moves to step outside, I’m yanked back into Declan’s hard chest while he slams the door shut.
“What the actual feck, Dec?” I huff, winded.
He squeezes his arm around me. “Do not, under any circumstance, leave this house unless you have your guards with you. They will be here soon, and then we’ll discuss the rules.”
“Rules?” What is he going on about, rules? Who does he think he is?