“What the fuck?” I ask.
“Language! If Jake's first words are swear words, I won’t get laid for a month.”
“And ‘laid’ is better?” I ask.
Seb flicks water at me, making Jake giggle. A floating toy boat comes near Jake, and he reaches to get it before putting it straight into his mouth.
“I made a bet; you sleep with her, and I get cakes,” he says, and I narrow my eyes at him. The little fucker.
“What does Allie get?” I ask. Knowing Allie, she would have gotten something pretty good out of this little bet.
“My car,” he mumbles out, and I laugh. That would be like me betting my Harley Davidson, which would never happen.
“You’re mad, brother,” I tell him, and he nods.
“I really want cake,” he replies, making me smirk at him. I stay and play with Jake a little more before getting out and cleaning up.
I open the garage and find my beauty. She is black and shiny but could do with another polish.
I do love her, my bike.
I spend a few hours tinkering with my bike and thinking about Allie. I need her to see who I am. I have a great idea for a date, but it’s risky. I haven’t taken a girl there before, and once I take her, I won’t be able to see the place without Allie.
It doesn’t matter, I know she will love it.
Chapter 9
“I’m so freaking nervous, what if they don’t like what I have planned?” I ask Maisy and Izzy as we wait for our new class of kids to get here. I’ve spent most the weekend planning for today because my dad cancelled on me, so I have to wait until Tuesday night to speak to him.
“They will love you, Alliecat. Your Saturday class thinks you’re amazing, this will be no different,” Maisy tells me, and I nod at her.
I stretch in my yoga shorts and vest top. Izzy and Maisy are wearing similar things. The first couple of people come in with their children. I wave and go to introduce myself as the foster children come in with their caregiver. We chat for a bit before she leaves.
“Everyone, come on over.” I wave a hand over to where I’m standing with Izzy and Maisy. The kids all bundle together in a group in front of me.
“So, let’s start with introducing ourselves. I’m Allie, this is Izzy, and this Maisy,” I say and there’s mumbled hellos around the room.
“Right, everyone move into your own space.” I wait until they are sorted before I carry on speaking.
“I thought we could start by having some fun. Dancing is meant to be fun and get you moving. My favourite dance to warm me up is called the ‘walk it out’ dance. Has anyone heard of it, or can you do it?” I ask them and a girl, who’s about ten, puts up her hand.
“What’s your name?” I ask.
“It's Kelly,” she says.
“Would you come up next to me, Kelly, and we can do it together?” I ask her, and she nods, moving to my side.
“Right, the idea is that you kind of step forward like you’re lunging and then take your legs inward and outward,” I say and slowly show them what I mean.
“Outward and twist,” I repeat, showing them.
“The next step is to get your arms to move. The dance is meant to give attitude, so why don’t we give some as we move?”
“Everyone give it a try for me?” I ask and nod to Kelly who does the dance with me. I watch her, and I’m surprised how good she is. I look around the room, seeing that a lot of them are getting the hang of it.
“Maisy, would you put some music on?” I ask her, and she nods.