Page 33 of Seducing Daddy

Chapter 17


The way I figured it, now that I’d stuffed her stocking, she was officially mine.

I’d told her as much, and apparently, that made me “old-fashioned”.

“What is it, woman? Do you need to be punished? Is that what it’s going to take to make you admit who owns you?” I wanted to convince her how precious she was to me. To ease her mind. After all, God was not a God of confusion but of peace. I’d make her see as clearly as I did; we were meant to be together.

Only instead, I sounded curt… mocking. Overbearing.

All the things that would make her push me away. I should have known better, but instead, I screwed up royally.

I told her early on I’d never force her to do something. Now here I was rushing her, simply because I couldn’t wait anymore. Couldn’t stand the way she was growing distant again, as if she hadn’t just let me explore her most intimate places with my penis. As if our exchange hadn’t been the very definition of making love.

Right there, right then, I realized I had to tell her. It was the only way to make her see we were perfectly matched, and I wanted to devote myself to her. “I love you, baby girl. I reckon I always have. It’s as if God choreographed our whole lives just to bring us together. Hell, for all I know, the way your eyes burn when you look at me means you love me, too.”

And boy, did I say something to piss her off.

“I object!” she exclaimed in irritation as she jumped to her feet, naked, her sweet bottom swaying for me as she walked to the armchair. Every curve of her body spoke defiance, and she picked up a throw pillow and did just that.

Threw it at me.

She switched on all her intensity, and it confused the holy heck out of me.

Her eyes met mine disparagingly, and she blurted, “I object!”

Pillow number two flung straight at my head, but I snatched it out of the air before it made contact.

“I object to the way you take me as I am. The way you deal with my bitchy bullshit. The manner in which you handle my flaws and insecurities without expecting me to be perfect!” It was a tirade, and I wasn’t sure quite how to interpret whom the condemnation was directed at. “You accept me for who I am without judging me, and it’s not fair!” She stomped her way to the shower, and I watched her turn the hot water valve on full blast. It wasn’t the only thing that scalded; Jolene threw words at me like stones. “I can’t stand the way you made me love you, made me believe that love was something I could have every day with you… and then you—you fucking dangle your devotion in front of me like a goddamned Christmas ornament!”

I’d say the woman wore me out, but watching her reprimand me while buck naked made my cock indicate he might be ready to get up and go all over again.

Wait a minute.

I was crossing treacherous ground after having told her I loved her. “Hold up.” I held a palm up to her and was lucky she didn’t slap me. “Did you just say I made you love me?”

“You heard me!” she snapped, as if annoyed by the transparency of her feelings. Poor baby. It was easy to forgive her now that I understood her grouchy demeanor was simply fear manifesting itself in another form.

I kissed her devouringly, and it was a kiss for her tired soul to melt into. One that conveyed it wasn’t just sex for me.

She was worth the wait. My girl might not realize it yet, but she was definitely mine. Maybe ours wasn’t a match made in heaven, but it was damned close.

“I’m totally in love with you, angel. And I’m ready to tell the world when you are.”

Jolene kept trying to bottle up her emotions, but couldn’t deny the way her heart was busting wide open every time I touched her. I knew it was right between us. I was meant to be her Daddy, and she was falling for me.

I could wait.

Later that week, I had to admit, patience was going to be a lot harder than I thought. It had been four days without a sleepover, and my cock was about to start up its own picket line if I didn’t see her soon. “This is ridiculous. You’re hornier than an adolescent,” I said out loud.

Be that as it may, a man had to do what a man had to do.

After preparing my Sunday sermon, I hit speed dial in an attempt to reach her. Just the sound of her voicemail message caused my erection to make itself known. “Baby girl, it’s your Daddy. Let me take you out on the town. I’m leaving Briarville now and will be at your place in about fifteen minutes. Be ready.”

She’d absolutely hate that message, and it made me chuckle to myself. When I met her, she was standoffish, and I now knew that mask of hers hid her pain and sadness. Since we started spending time alone together, she seemed so much happier. It was rough for a bit after she told me about the monster that hurt her. Recalling that, my hands clenched the steering wheel tightly enough to turn my knuckles white. God help the heathen if he ever showed up in this town.

Romans 12:19 Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.