Any chance you want to hit the gym? I just don’t want to go alone. I mean, I’ll go alone if I have to, but it might be nice to go with you.
Brooke can’t go, huh?
Figures I’m your second choice. Why are you even texting me instead of knocking next door?
Because I know you aren’t there. We knocked to see if you wanted to eat with us.
Ah. Good point.
I can so picture her laughing as she texted that.
What time?
I’ll drive us over.
“Sweet. Kaylie will come.”
“Good. What about Hottie Won’t Touch This?” Brooke asks, gesturing to me.
I burst out laughing. “I love that1 Something came up, so he isn’t working today.”
“Are you sorry you won’t see him?”
“I’ll be fine. I know the moves. I know what to watch for the mirror. I just want to know when he’ll let me start to use the bar.”
“You could try it today since he’s not around.”
“No. I trust him to teach me proper form, and I’m sure that using a bar has to be different from dumbbells, especially if you don’t want to risk your dominant side doing all of the heavy lifting.”
She snorts. “I see what you did there, but, ah, it seems like you trust him.”
“Not with anything but weights. Not my diet.”
“Not your heart.”
“Gah, come on! He doesn’t see me like that, and he might not ever.”
“Then that’s his loss.”
“I want to break him, remember?”
“Then do karate and grapple with him.” She grins, and I just know she’s thinking about Declan.
“You know. Wrestling.”
“Yeah, I don’t think… Is that what kids call it these days?” I tease.
Her jaw drops, but there’s no denying the blush creeping over her cheeks.
“Maybe,” she mumbles. “I should get going!”
I just laugh.