Page 11 of Bewitch

His nostrils flare. “Basically, yeah.”

“I didn’t want you as my trainer, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

“I’ll have you begging and crying all right.”

“I would rather you make me sweat. Think you can do that?”

“You probably sweat no matter the outside temperature.”

“Make me swear too. Make me cuss out your name. Can you do that?” I challenge.

He grins. “I’m going to make you regret the day you were born, fatso.”

“Looking forward to it, dick.”

Lucas just shakes his head like he’s disappointed in me. “Such language. So unoriginal.”

“Like you should talk.”

“More originality.”

“At least I’m not a tool.”

“That’s just it. You want me to be a tool in your fitness toolbox. Those weights? Not in your toolbox yet. You’re too weak.”

“I’m stronger than you realize.”

“I would say prove it, but you’ll just get hurt.”

“Isn’t the point of working out no pain, no gain? I can handle being hurt.”

“But can you handle not cleaning your plate at every meal?”

The names I’ve heard before, and yeah, as immature as it seems to be, it seems like name-calling might be his stupid way of trying to motivate his clients. Does he really do that with all of them? I bet he doesn’t if he has a hottie on the docket.

“Whatever you dish up, I can handle,” I tell him.

And I march away from him. When I make it back to the weight rack, I return the dumbbells. My arms are still shaking, though.

Yeah, this just cements it. One way or another, I’m going to lose weight and make it so that Lucas wants me.

And then I’ll drop him.

Screw him.


Abs are made in the kitchen. Yeah, right. Like I’m ever going to have abs, but I do realize the meaning behind the absurd statement.

Diet is hugely important. In fact, you could probably just focus on your diet and not exercise at all and still make huge changes in your body structure, especially when you need to lose as much weight as I need to.

And that’s why, after I return to campus and have finished my homework and studying for a test tomorrow, I start to do research on all kinds of diets. I figure if I can settle on which diet would work best for me, I can start it immediately, with dinner tonight.

But the more I’m reading about food, the hungry I’m becoming. Good thing I found a pack of gum so I can at least chew something.

Keto. So many people talk about this diet, and it doesn’t sound too terrible at first. I mean, high fat? Definitely! I’ll be sure to make sure it’s plenty of good fats, like peanuts and other nuts. Cheese is allowed on keto, I’m pretty sure.

The protein is super high too. I do love chicken and salmon and all kinds of fish. Turkey too. All the red meat as well, and that has fat too, so maybe beef is a good thing on this diet?