“What kind of music do you prefer?”
“Classic roc, pop, that kind of thing.”
“Really? I like whatever is playing at the club.”
The club. Lucas made that comment once that I should go to a club to practice dropping my ass. Hmm. I wonder if it’s time to bring that up and see if he might come with me. He would turn me down, though. I’m sure of it.
“Do you like to go out clubbing?” Dave continues.
“It depends.”
“On?” He leans closer to me.
I shift over closer to Kaylie. She glances my way and then around me to Dave and lifts her eyebrows at me.
I know if I give her a clue, she’ll step in, but he’s not doing anything wrong. He’s just overly friendly and ignorant. He can’t read the cues that I’m not interested.
“I like to go with friends,” I say. “In a group.”
“How about we go sometime?” he asks.
I bite my lower lip. “I don’t think so.”
“Then how about dinner and a movie? We can even watch the movie first so we can talk about that if you aren’t comfortable talking to me about yourself yet.”
“I don’t know. You seem like you can have a conversation all by yourself.”
“It’s a gift,” he jokes. “So, what do you say?”
I don’t know what to say, honestly. I’m not really in a good place. Well, that’s not true. I’ve started to make some headway, and I’m not mindlessly eating either. I haven’t taken another bite of my food since I decided I was done.
“I think I’m busy that day,” I finally say.
“I didn’t say a day.” Dave grimaces. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize you had a boyfriend.”
I furrow my brow, confused, and then shrug and look away, not denying the thought but not confirming it either.
“What boyfriend?” Brooke asks.
I shoot daggers at her.
“Dawn has a boyfriend, yeah,” Kaylie says casually.
I stare at her so that my face is completely turned away from Dave and mouth, “Thank you.”
“Always got you.” She pats my cheek. “You owe me.”
I laugh even as I roll my eyes. “Sure.”
Dave doesn’t spend much more time with us, and shortly after, the rest of the people all leave until it’s just the four of us.
“What was that about?” Brooke demands.
I shrug and try to look innocent. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
She snorts. “Sure you don’t. Out with it.”
“Did you know that guy?” I ask. “Dave Something Or Other.”