Page 50 of Bewitch

“That’s a start.”

I snort. “No bullshit about not trying, only doing?”

“Some days, it’s enough to just try. Doesn’t mean I can’t try to push you to do more.”

“Try to push?” I smirk.

He gives me that smile of his. “Oh, I think I know how to push your buttons all right.”

“Yeah, and push my stomach.” I rub it and groan.

“The diet I gave you isn’t working, huh?”

“Not the diet I’m doing. I’m doing if it fits your macros.”

“Ah. And how’s that going for you?”

“Most of the time… it’s not that bad. Every once in a while…”

“You cheat, but you get back up again.”

“I… It could’ve been worse, but I don’t normally puke.”

“That was my fault.”

“Can I do that now? Blame everything on you?”

He chuckles and shakes his head. “I have a feeling you already do that. Dawn, take it easy and go home. Don’t abuse your body.”

“That’s your job, eh?”

“I don’t abuse your body.”

And he gives me a once over that makes me shiver.

It’s almost like he’s undressing me with his eyes.

Like he wants to see me naked.

Not to abuse me.

But to worship me.


Iswallow, which isn’t easy considering how dry my mouth has become. “Right. You have me abuse my own body.”

“The only way to change it. Right now, what you need to change is your mindset. Go on. Go home. Tomorrow is another day. Be gentle to yourself.”

“You say that almost as if you care.”

“If you don’t come in, I get paid either way until you quit.”

“I’ll be back. I’m going to make you work hard for the money.”

“And you’ll treat me right?”

“Or very, very wrong.” I shock myself by winking at him.